...თაფლი „ამბროზია“ ჯგუფი 3 ნათია შინდელიშვილი; მზექალა გორგოშაძე; ჯონი ოჩხიკიძე; თეო ქართველიშვილი; ნოდარი ჩხატარაშვილი; თეა აგურაშვილი; გიზო ვაზტანგაშვილი; მიხეილ თუმანიშვილი; თამთა გურჯიძე-ჯგუფი 4; ლადო მანჯავიძე-ჯგუფი 1 ჩვენ გადავწყვიტეთ შეგვემნა ახალი თაფლის მწარმოებელი კომპანია, რისი პირველი მიზეზი სწრაფად მზარდი ბაზარია, მაგრამ, ამავე დროს უნდა აღინიშნოს, რომ თაფლის ბაზარზე ქართული კომპანიების აქტიურობა ნაკლებად შეინიშნება- ბაზარზე ძირითადად დომინირებენ მოყვარული მეფუტკრეები. მოყვარულ მეფუტკრეებად ითვლებიან ისინი, ვისაც 10 დან 20 ოჯახამდე ფუტკარი ჰყავთ. გვხვდება მხოლოდ რამდენიმე პროფესიონალი მეფუტკრეობის კომპანია- შპს „მეთაფლია“ და „გეო ნატურალი“. მთელი წლის განმავლობაში კი სუპერმარკეტების დახლებზე მხოლოდ იმპორტირებული თაფლია, დანარჩენი გამყიდველები ახალი წლისა და ზამთრის სეზონზე აქტიურდებიან. რაც შეეხება კომპანიის სახელს, ჩვენ შევარჩიეთ „ამბროზია“.“ამბროზია“- ძველ ბერძნულ მითოლოგიაში - ღმერთების არომატული საკვებია, რომელიც მათ უკვდავებას ანიჭებდა. ჩვენი სახელი ხაზს უსვამს ჩვენი პროდუქტის განსაკუთრებულობასა და უნიკალურობას. კომპანიის ქარხანა იფუნქციონირებს გურიაში, კერძოდ, ჩოხატაურის რაიონის მიმდებარე ტერიტორიაზე, მოშორებული დასახლებულ პუნქტებს. ამ ადგილის არჩევის მთავარი მიზეზია ბუნებრივი გარემო. აქ წარმოდგენილია ხეების ისეთი ჯიშები, რომლებიც აუცილებელია მაღალი ხარისხის თაფლის საწარმოებლად. სათავო ოფისი კი თბილისში იქნება, რადგან, გურიაში ქარხნის მდებარეობიდან გამომდინარე, სხვადასხვა ხელშეკრელების გაფორმება და ბიზნეს საქმიანობა ძალზედ არაკომფორტული და მოუხერხებელია...
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...IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA) CASE NO: In the Ex-Parte application of: BUSISANI MOSES MBOMVU APPLICANT (FOR HER ADMISSION AND ENROLMENT AS AN ATTORNEY) ________________________________________________________________________ AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF NOTICE OF MOTION ________________________________________________________________________ I, the undersigned, BUSISANI MOSES MBOMVU do hereby make oath and state that: 1. INTRODUCTION AND JURISDICTION 1. I am an adult male person and the Applicant in this matter, the facts contained herein are within my personal knowledge and are to the best of my knowledge and belief both true and correct, save where the contrary appears from the context. 2. I am residing at number 1214 Gija Street, Daveyton, 2015, Johannesburg, in the Gauteng Province, Republic of South Africa. 1.4 I am domiciled within the area of jurisdiction of the above Honourable Court. 1.5 In the affidavit, except where the context indicates otherwise, reference to “the Act” means the Attorneys Act, No. 53 of 1979, as amended. 1.6 I respectfully submit that this Honourable Court has jurisdiction to hear this application as I am domiciled within the jurisdiction of the above Honourable Court as contemplated by Section 19 of the Supreme Court Act 59 of 1959. 1. BIRTH AND CITIZENSHIP 2.1 I was born on the 22nd of December...
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...Gunther Documet 9/14/2015 Applications in Info Security Chapter 4 Review Questions: 1)It might depend on the risk, although all risks should be addressed. The conditions that an organization might have is if they don't have a risk management plan or if they don't have the money to identify and mitigate the risk 2) 3)Alignment is important because it can align organizational goals with ICT works. The benefits to an organization as a whole is that it can align security processes with business goals. 4)Evaluation is important because it can determine if your team is achieving the objectives and this is usually done through gathering data and then analyzing it. Organizations benefit by collecting quantitative data because it can be used to evaluate the options and implications of a decision. 5)A contract is an agreement between a customer and a supplier, while the RFP is technically a bid solicitation. 6)Typically a subcontractor role is to perform specific tasks given by a general contractor. They can be controlled by the supplier to follow the right procedures that are given in the contract. 7)The problem resolution is important because it involves two parties in agreeing that all problems are identified, analyzed, managed, and controlled to resolution. 8)There are two types of reviews: Formal Reviews Informal Reviews In a formal review, the ICT is presented to a team or to an individual before the actual review. In the other hand the informal review...
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...It’s seemingly that Walmart de Mexico bribery scandal is far from over. Many investigations has been carried out to fully answer what acctually happened in the past, what system failed, and who was responsible for possible violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), which bars bribery of foreign officials, but questions of accountability recently remain unanswered. It also means that Walmart leaders have succeeded in hiding all the important clues to avoid sanctions. The whole thing began when Walmart de Mexico was alleged orchestrating bribes to obtain building permits, zoning variances, and environmental clearances at Mrs. Pineda’s alfalfa field in 2003. As Walmart started digging the ground at Mrs. Pineda’s field months later, it provoked fierce opposition coming from strong protests, nearby residents, and archaeologists. By offering donations, personal gifts and other bribe payments, they could get approvals from each level of authorities, records and interviews from the New York Time (NYT) report. The secret held even after a former Wal-Mart de Mexico lawyer, Martiza Munich, contacted Wal-Mart executives in Bentonville, Ark. She had former Sergio Cicero’s, Walmart de Mexico executive’s information about “irregularities authorized by the highest levels” in 2005 and hoped to meet soon. Then immediately Mike Duke, Vice chairman, WalMart International in 2005, sends detailed memos outlining Cicero’s allegations to Walmart senior management (– including Lee Stucky...
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...In audit department senior that guided me is Mdm Ilham n Miss Anis. They will ask me to do audit working paper and also review my job. During my internship i was exposed to audit workfield and audit at office. When I do audit at office i need to do it from beggining till the end. The first step in doing audit is to do working paper. In order to do working paper i need to transfer figure last year as opening balance for this year. Then i need to enter figure as per ledger as an unaudited amount for this year. After that i need to do test check, the purpose of test check to ensure that figure is correctly recorded. The test check is where I need to check whether amount recorded in ledger is correct as per supporting documen, it is also used to check wheteher the transaction is recorded according to its category or not . I also need to make adjustment if there is any error make by client. Other than that, I also call client to clear any confusing in client’s transaction, record and statement. Beside that, also need to prepare bank, debtor, creditor and cash confirmation. After I done my working paper, my senior will reviewed it if there are any error I need to do correction. After all done, I need to prepared signed account and sent draft for discussion to client and then I will prepare report which is final report. Different with audit workfiled, in audit workfield I just need to do test check, revenue cycle, expenditure cycle and collection cycle. Revenue, expenses and collection...
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...[pic] A REPORT ON BUSINESS COMMUNICATION PROCESS OF BASIC BANK LIMITED MGT 242: Business Communication Prepared for Afrins Farid Faculty, School of Business Prepared by Syed Wahidur Rahman 10310423 Sabiqun Nahar 10310432 Nasrin Akter 08410021 Parvez Ahmed 10310371 MD. Mahtab Hossain 10310388 Kazi Arif Hossen 10310439 University of Information Technology & Sciences (UITS) April 09th, 2011 Acknowledgement: I would like to give thanks to those people who helped us to prepare this report and we are very much grateful to them for their cordial assistance, helpful co-operation and essential suggestion. At first we would like to express deep gratitude to our honorable course instructor Afrins Farid , Faculty, School of Business, University of Information Technology & Sciences (UITS), for her sincere guideline and valuable remarks, thoughtful comments and essential suggestions. She inspired us and gave us encouragement to complete this report. We would also like to express our gratitude to the all managers and employees of the organization, where we have gone to collect information for preparing...
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