...Reyna Fuentes Professor Carlton Abernathy Comm 1307: Intro to Mass Communication 6 July 2016 Social Media Influences How many of us remember being a pre-teen or teenager? Those crucial middle school and high school years can be rough on their own but add social media sites like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat and life as a young adolescent can be publicized and critiqued more so by hundreds of people you might not even know. Social media is a term used to describe the interaction between groups or individuals in which they produce, share, and sometimes exchange ideas over the internet and in virtual communities. The impact of social media on young adolecents is significant, children are growing up surrounded by mobile devices and interactive social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat which has made the social media a vital aspect of their life. Social media is transforming the manner in which teenages interact with their parents, peers, as well as how they make use of technology. If not used properly however social media can be used in a negative context. My niece has been a victim of social cyberbullying on 2 of the 3 sites named above. She is a gorgeous 15yr old girl with full potential to take life by storm. Unfortunately, a group of her peers didn’t feel the same about her they not only shamed her at school but would post things on Facebook and Instagram about her. I believe the infatuation today’s world has with posting everything...
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...self-loathing high school teenager, Greg Gaines, who displays an extreme lack of confidence. Greg is a kid who uses strategic defense tactics to remain “invisible” to society, in order to survive the harsh horrors of high school. His life changes however, very quickly when he meets a girl named Rachel Kushner; a girl dying of leukemia that goes to school with Greg. Prior to meeting her, his only friend was Earl, who he only considers to be a “co-worker”, because of the “worst films in the world” they produce together. It is undeniable that Greg’s biggest character development relates to his growth in maturity,...
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...STUDENTS OF VNHS OUR FAMILY RESEARCHERS who are interested to know the possible effects of early relationship. -Isiahna Fae Balabag & Jamezel Anne Sipsip LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Valenzuela National High School A. Fernando St., Marulas, Valenzuela City February 26, 2014 Dear Respondent: The following is a survey questionnaire dealing with the effects of early relationship to the life of STOC students. Being a STOC student, you are selected to accomplish the said questionnaire. You are requested to answer the given questions as honestly as possible. Please be assured that your answers will be treated with confidentiality. Kindly accomplish the questionnaire by either filling in the blanks or placing checkmarks on the space provided. Thank you very much. Sincerely yours, JAMEZEL ANNE SIPSIP Researcher ISIAHNA FAE BALABAG Researcher LETTER OF APPROVAL Valenzuela National High School A. Fernando St., Marulas, Valenzuela City February 21, 2014 Mrs. Leah P. Vilog Research Teacher Valenzuela National High School Dear Madam: This year, we have the opportunity to write a research paper. “The Effects of having early relationship with the opposite sex to the life and studies of STOC students in VNHS” is the title of our research paper. Our proposed research aims to know how early relationship affects the life and studies of STOC...
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...Bipolar Disorder in Children and Teens * Does your child go through intense mood changes? * What is bipolar disorder? * Who develops bipolar disorder? * How is bipolar disorder different in children and teens than it is in adults? * What causes bipolar disorder? * What are the symptoms of bipolar disorder? * Do children and teens with bipolar disorder have other problems? * How is bipolar disorder diagnosed? * How is bipolar disorder treated? * Medication * Therapy * What can children and teens expect from treatment? * How can I help my child or teen? * How does bipolar disorder affect parents and family? * Where do I go for help? * I know a child or teen who is in crisis. What do I do? * Contact us to find out more about bipolar disorder Does your child go through intense mood changes? Does your child have extreme behavior changes too? Does your child get too excited or silly sometimes? Do you notice he or she is very sad at other times? Do these changes affect how your child acts at school or at home? Some children and teens with these symptoms may have bipolar disorder, a serious mental illness. Read this brochure to find out more. What is bipolar disorder? Bipolar disorder is a serious brain illness. It is also called manic-depressive illness. Children with bipolar disorder go through unusual mood changes. Sometimes they feel very happy or "up," and are much more active than usual...
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...danah boyd and Alice Marwick Microsoft Research dmb@microsoft.com and amarwick@microsoft.com Waffles, 17, NC1: Every teenager wants privacy. Every single last one of them, whether they tell you or not, wants privacy. Just because an adult thinks they know the person doesn’t mean they know the person. And just because teenagers use internet sites to connect to other people doesn’t mean they don’t care about their privacy. We don’t tell everybody every single thing about our lives. We tell them general information - names, places, what we like to do - but that’s general knowledge. That’s not something you like to keep private-- “Oh, I play games. I better not tell anybody about that.” I mean-- that’s not something that we do. So to go ahead and say that teenagers don’t like privacy is pretty ignorant and inconsiderate honestly, I believe, on the adult’s part....
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...RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES In expounding more ideas in the study, the researchers made a review of related foreign and local literatures as well as studies relevant to their present study collected from different sources. These related literature and studies cover the topics such as personality, behavior, social learning, and mental health. A. Foreign Literature Humanistic Psychology According to Crooks and Stein (1988), humanistic psychology differs from both the psychoanalytic approach and behaviorism in that it does not view humans as being controlled by either event in the environment or by internal, irrational, and unconscious forces. Humanist psychologists, most notably Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) and Carl Rogers (1902-1987), de-emphasize the influence of both stimulus-response events and unconscious processes in determining human behavior. Instead, they emphasize the role of free chance and our ability to make conscious rational choices about how we live our lives. Humanists also believe that people have a natural inclination to strive to fulfill their potential, a process called self-actualization. Although many of humanism’s major tenets are just as difficult to rest objectively as are the concepts of psychoanalysis, many psychologists respond favorably to this movement’s optimism. Humanism has increased psychologists’ awareness of the importance of such things as love, feeling needed, personal fulfillment and self-esteem. Behavior Brady, et. al. (1963) said...
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...days of life. In these cases the meconium is so thick that it blocks the bowel instead of passing through. Babies with meconium ileus often need an urgent operation to relieve and bypass the blockage. Individuals with cystic fibrosis are prone to developing bone disease (thin, brittle bones) due to a lack of nutrition (which is lost through stools because of the damaged pancreas), and other complaints related to the disease. Adults with cystic fibrosis also have an increased risk of bone disease, which is a side effect of the steroids taken to control lung disease. Intellectual Effects Cystic fibrosis does not have a massive effect intellectually, however if an individual with this illness has become really ill they may have to miss lessons and that can put a strain on the education, results of exams and coursework for that individual, but other than that cystic fibrosis does not have intellectual...
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...are two forms of sexual harassment; one is the most commonly know by people is called quid pro quo. It is the exchange of sexual favors for job benefits. Identifiable elements to determined quid pro quo from the case Pease vs. Alford Photo Industries are. You are a member of a protective class You were subjected to unwelcome sexual harassment in the form of sexual advances or requests for sexual favors from a supervisor or individual with authority over the plaintiff. Harassment complained of was based on sex. Submission to the unwelcome advances was an express or implied condition for receiving some form of job benefits, or refusal to submit to sexual demands resulted in a tangible job detriment. Employer knew or should have known of the harassment. The second form of sexual harassment is called Hostile work environment. Its is unwelcome conduct constituting hostile work environment harassment must be sufficiently severe or pervasive to alter the conditions of the victim’s employment and create an abusive working environment. An example of this could be the making of sexually oriented jokes or comments. Another example is touching of a sexual nature. Displaying sexually oriented calendars or posters in the work environment is even considered to be sexual harassment. 5. Prevention of Sexual Harassment The most effective weapon against sexual harassment is prevention. Harassment does not disappear on its own. In fact, it is more likely...
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...Take Some and Give Some: Business & Society Integrated Despite the amassed amount of significant accomplishments achieved by companies as corporate citizens, there exists an ambiguity of their true aggregate impact on society, and what society really needs back from them in return. This is when we, us-as a society of consumers, re-evaluate if we have set adequate expectations in the definition: corporate social responsibility. Business power is analogous to a massive iceberg. If an iceberg is seen as the great number of ways, and intensities business can impact society, there are two levels. On the surface, business’s influence on our society is easily observable. Business determines what is bought and sold, who is hired, who is fired, and the commercials we watch (Welsh). Unseen and often neglected, beneath the surface there is a more deeply rooted societal impact. Businesses can potentially influence the structure of government, societal values and cultural trends. Due to this, there is great controversy about how business power and operations impact our current values and ideals. Epitomizing this concept in a more specific sense is the potentially harmful marketing and promotional practices of companies. Many large businesses utilize their influential power through marketing; emulating and glamorizing harmful lifestyles and messages to children and young adults alike. Multiple viewpoints from powerful companies and various theories such as Market Capitalism, Dominance...
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... . . . . . . . . . . 80 OBJECTIVES Develop leadership potential Provide a climate for fellowship and acceptance Choose a Christian lifestyle Learn to evaluate life and its meaning from the Christian Perspective AIM The Advent Message to All the World in My Generation. MOTTO "The love of Christ constrains me." PLEDGE By the grace of God, I will be pure and kind and true. I will keep the Pathfinder Law. I will be a servant of God and a friend to man. PATHFINDER LAW The Pathfinder Law is for me to: 1. Keep the morning watch. 2. Do my honest part. 3. Care for my body. 4. Keep a level eye. 5. Be courteous and obedient. 6. Walk softly in the sanctuary. 7. Keep a song in my heart. 8. Go on God's errands. How to Use the Instruction Plans To assist class...
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...Chapter 7 : Moral Issues 7. 1 The Environment 7. 2 Life 7. 3 Rearmament and War 7. 4 Business Ethics 7. 5 Sexuality and the Family 7. 6 Discrimination 7. 7 Freedom of Information 7. 8 Science and Technology Chapter Overview This chapter will discuss the contemporary moral issues. There are eight main sub-headings and examined in turn. Students may not only learn about moral facts, principles and theories, but also some important moral issues so that they will kept in phase with current issues in facing the challenge out there. This chapter also encourages students to ...
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...LECTURE ST. THOMAS UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW FALL 2012 DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER SERIES WHAT MUST WE HIDE: THE ETHICS OF PRIVACY AND THE ETHOS OF DISCLOSURE ANITA L. ALLEN' I. INTRODUCTION We live in an era of persotial revelation. We are preoccupied by seeking, gathering, and disclosing information about others and ourselves. In the age of revelation, individuals and enterprises are fond of ferreting out what is btiried away. We are fond of broadcasting what we know, think, do, and feel; and we are motivated by business and pleasure because we care about friendship, kinship, health, wealth, education, politics, justice, and culture. A lot of this has to do with technology, of course. We live at a historical moment characterized by the wide availability of multiple modes of communication and stored data, easily and frequently accessed. Our communications are capable of disclosing breadths and depths of personal, personally identifiable, and sensitive information to many people rapidly. In this era of revelation—dominated by portable electronics, intemet social media, reality television, and traditional talk radio—^many of us are losing our sense of privacy, our taste for privacy, and our willingness to respect privacy. Is this set of losses a bad thing? If it is a bad thing, what can be done about it? My refiections on these questions begin with a series of diverse examples from the past several years. The examples illustrate the emergent ethos of our revelatory era. The first...
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...| * Home * MyNCSL * Help & Member Services * Contact Us | Login | Create Account | | | | | | * About Us * ------------------------------------------------- Mission & Governance * ------------------------------------------------- Member Services * ------------------------------------------------- Executive Committee * ------------------------------------------------- Legislative Staff Coord. Cmte. * ------------------------------------------------- Standing Committees * ------------------------------------------------- NCSL Foundation * Legislatures & Elections * ------------------------------------------------- News/Contacts/Overview * ------------------------------------------------- Organization/Procedure/Facilities * ------------------------------------------------- Legislator/Staff Information * ------------------------------------------------- Elections & Campaigns * ------------------------------------------------- Redistricting * ------------------------------------------------- Ethics * ------------------------------------------------- Legislative Leaders * ------------------------------------------------- Women's Legislative Network * ------------------------------------------------- International Programs * ------------------------------------------------- Trust for Representative Democracy * ------------------------------------------------- Legislators...
Words: 17330 - Pages: 70
...Trust/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, NY. © 1999, Institute for American Values. All rights reserved. No reproduction of the materials contained herein is permitted without the written permission of the Institute for American Values. ISBN 0-9659841-5-X Institute for American Values 1841 Broadway, Suite 211 New York, NY 10023 Tel: (212) 246-3942 Fax: (212) 541-6665 info@americanvalues.org www.americanvalues.org The Age of Unwed Mothers Is Teen Pregnancy the Problem? Executive Summary Why have three decades of intensive national effort to reduce teen pregnancy not been more successful? Largely because for three decades, we have framed the problem falsely. What we have called our “teen pregnancy” crisis is not really about teenagers. Nor is it really about pregnancy. It is about the decline of marriage. What has changed most in recent decades is not who gets pregnant, but who gets married. Demographically, our “teen pregnancy” problem is inseparable from the disconnect between marriage and childbearing that increasingly...
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... Priansha Periwal 50116 BBS 3 HR CULTURAL DIVERSITY AMONG ENTREPRENEURS CULTURAL DIVERSITY AMONG ENTREPRENEURS Regardless of who you are or what you have been, you can be what you want to be. – W. Clement Stone Regardless of who you are or what you have been, you can be what you want to be. – W. Clement Stone Regardless of who you are or what you have been, you can be what you want to be. – W. Clement Stone ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We owe a great many thanks to a great many people who helped and supported us during the project. The project “CULTURAL DIVERSITY AMONG ENTREPRENEURS” focuses on understanding the diversity that exists among the newly emerged breed of entrepreneurs.We made an effort to understand how people from completely different backgrounds and ways of life, but with a common drive to prove their mettle, end up being their own masters. Our deepest thanks to our college professor, Ms. Neha , who acted as a constant guide and mentor in the process of drafting of this project. We would also like to acknowledge the support and enthusiasm shown by our batch mates. We would also extend a heartfelt thanks to our family and well wishers without whom this project would have been a distant dream. Group members- Mahima Sharma 50081 Priansha Periwal 50116 TABLE OF CONTENTS * OBJECTIVES * INTRODUCTION * YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS * King Sidharth...
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