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Chinese Law 101


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Pages 14
Chinese Law
The legal history of china started with the Tang Code that was invented around 619 AD to 906, it contained a structure of laws for punishments and crimes but this code was very much a militarist law code seeing the historical time of that era was militarist in nature. It has subsequently been developing and advancing the rules which were seen in the in the Qin Dynasty which was in 221-206 BC which gave in an insight into a structured and advanced legal system. China has culturally been at the centre of many western studies because so much of china has remained unknown to the rest of the western world. This was brought up subsequently studying Chinese law and being asked ‘what is china and what is your image and view of these people’. This question given by Mr Ken Shao showed the class that none of the students had any idea of what china really was. In one instance there was an image of a traditional family and on the other a communist militarist dictatorship, this was only because there was very little information on China and that China was very much the unknown to many countries. The history of China is shown to display that this country has been a highly progressive country within the scope of law but also being one of the slowest countries to implement Intellectual Property Law which has sparked an interest into where the progression in the legal system relating to Intellectual Property Law went into disrepute and the arrival of Intellectual Property Law within the 1980s to the present day but was there a historical time before the 1980s where there was intellectual Property Law and why Mao Ze Dong's era just was not China. Firstly this halt within the legal system came about on the arrival of Mao Ze Dongs Communist party.
Communist Mao Rule:
The Mao Ze Dong Communist Party did very little in relation to the advancement of the Intellectual

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