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Dog Dehydration Research Paper

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Did you know water is 80% of a dog's body? Could you imagine if that dog didn’t get enough water, or if that dog’s water bowl was stagnant and catching bacteria? Which could lead to viruses and even cancer? We need something to fix this problem.
If you are looking to buy a water fountain you need to know about bacteria, dog dehydration, and materials.

Dehydration in Dogs
What is dog dehydration? What are it’s side effects. How can we stop it? A good bit of people know that dehydration happens when the body loses more water than it's consuming. Dehydration mostly occurs after a long hot summer day. We can tell our bodies are dehydrated. Our mouths feel like deserts. We need water as soon as possible. For some of us are head starts to ache.
Dehydration can have more long-term effects on our bodies than simply making us irritating to be around.
All mammals rely on water to keep their bodies working properly and healthy there is no exception for dogs. In the text, it states, “Here’s a short list of water's functions ,includes lubricating joints, helping regulate body temperature, transporting nutrients, flushing waste, and more”, from This is what happens to dogs when they are dehydrated. Loss of appetite Reduced …show more content…
First, you need wood for the actual base and formation of the fountain. Next, you will also need a nozzle that is connected to a tube that connects to a waterspout, if your tube cannot connect to that specific spout conversely you will need a hose adapter. Next, you will need a spring so there is some tension when you press the petal of the fountain. Finnaly, you will need a copper water valve to regulate the water pressure and keep the water from spewing everywhere. If you have all of those parts and you have the directions you are ready to build you a doggie water fountain you can add a paint job and whatever you want to make it more

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