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Analysis: The Miller's Tale

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Group 1: A#2: “The Miller’s Tale” was a good story to read, but in the end I felt bad for the carpenter. Nicholas and Alison keep their affair a secret, until the carpenter is in his tub asleep, “Nicholas, and Alison sped down very softly; and they were in mirth and glee, until the bells began to sound for lauds, and friars in the chancel began to sing” (Chaucer 3656). They were finally able to be together.
In the “Laustic” the two lovers in this story only could see and talk to each other through a window, since she was guarded. “Weather at night or in the day, to be able to talk to together: no one could prevent their coming to the window” (De France 1046) this is how they saw each other. They never acted on their love, “because of her lover, …show more content…
Anna writes about a life experience that happened in her life and from her memory. Her poems did not appear until much later because she was not allowed to write. She was “considered too independent and cosmopolitan to be tolerated by the authorities” (Akhmatova 1404) her literature was not approved. In the Requiem it is a series of poems and is written on a personal experience. She writes about a grieving mother and the sufferers, which is both public and private of ones grief to a country’s disaster. She also writes about her experiences that filter through fear, pain, love and hope. These emotions come from the trauma of her native land. Emily also wrote about themes such as death, faith, and nature. “Some of her wrote reflects on pain of unrequited love and erotic desire”, (Dickinson 667) even though no one knows the name of who she loved. Her writing she uses dashes to give a smooth feeling of rhythm. The dashes can “draw you thoughts together; at other times separate them” (Dickinson 668), her writing style hand so many meanings. Both of these women have a different way of writing, but wrote about the same things. Both also wrote from life experiences, and their poems where later published after writing them. Their lives were somewhat the same, they just lived in different countries. Emily wrote from what was going on about everyday issues, and Anna wrote from her …show more content…
A young white girl visits a village. After they were asked to leave, “the girl’s intimate description of the lush landscape shows that her encounter, however brief, with the former inhabitants has opened her eyes to an African presence” (Lessing 1476) the little girl changed her encounter after talking with the Old Chief. These two stories show that a little girl was finally seeing a view from African Americans and Chike was opened up to a white man’s world. In Lessing’s story black people worked for the white people, and the servants did not know English very well. In Achebe’s story the children were learning the English Language.
Group#4: A#2: The setting of the short story “The Story of an hour” is in the nineteenth century. It take place in the Mallard’s home. It was a time when there was a certain behavior for the way a wife was supposed to act and be subordinate towards their husbands. When hearing the news of her husband “she wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sister’s arms. Even though the time setting she loved her husband “sometimes”, Mrs. Mallard said it “over and over under her breath: “free, free, free!” (Chopin), she would be able to live her life for herself and her life might be

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