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Finance Case Study


Submitted By americantutor1
Words 10398
Pages 42


2:24 PM

Page 23



Bill Miller and Value Trust
Bill Miller’s success is so far off the charts that you have to ask whether it is superhuman. Quite simply, fund managers are not supposed to be this good. Is it mortal genius, or is it celestial luck?1

By the middle of 2005, Value Trust, an $11.2-billion mutual fund2 managed by
William H. (Bill) Miller III, had outperformed its benchmark index, the Standard &
Poor’s 500 Index (S&P 500), for an astonishing 14 years in a row. This record marked the longest streak of success for any manager in the mutual-fund industry; the next longest period of sustained performance was only half as long. For many fund managers, simply beating the S&P 500 in any single year would have been an accomplishment, yet Miller had achieved consistently better results during both the bull markets of the late 1990s and the bear markets of the early 2000s.
Over the previous 15 years, investors in Value Trust, one of a family of funds managed by the Baltimore, Maryland–based Legg Mason, Inc., could look back on the fund’s remarkable returns: an average annual total return of 14.6%, which surpassed the S&P 500 by 3.67% per year. An investment of $10,000 in Value Trust at its inception, in April 1982, would have grown to more than $330,000 by March 2005.
Unlike the fund’s benchmark, which was a capitalization-weighted index composed of 500 widely held common stocks, Value Trust only had 36 holdings, 10 of which accounted for nearly 50% of the fund’s assets. Exhibit 1 presents a summary of Legg
Mason Value Trust, Inc., as it stood in August 2005.
While Miller rarely had the best overall performance among fund managers in any given year, and while some managers had beaten his results over short-term periods, no one had ever matched his consistent index-beating record.

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