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Creative Writing: The Pedestrian

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The Pedestrian

The car stopped suddenly and the door opened.

“Get out and wait for security”.

Without hesitation Leonard exited the car, where he was met by two security guards that escorted him into the Psychiatric Centre.

One of the guards stopped to talk to the woman at front desk, the other one escorted Leonard through a hallway with fluorescent lighting. Faint noises could be heard that were suddenly drowned out by the sounds of screams. At least Leonard was still walking. The guards pushed Leonard into a medium-sized room.

Two men appeared, staring directly at Leonard. “Wait here, I’ll be back” the security guard hurriedly closed the door. The place went quiet.

Seconds went by before one of the men broke the silent with a tired …show more content…
The men expected the door to open, another door, slammed closed a couple of room’s away. It caught the guard’s attention the words “what’s going on” echoed throughout the corridors. The guards followed the sound including the ’interviewer’ to find out what happened. Sounds of shouting and banging filled the hallway.

“Psss… hey guys! This is our chance to escape” Shane mentioned

“Oh yeah, the guards are distracted, the door is left unlocked, there are many rooms very similar to this one as one of the guards said, this should be easy” Mac explained.

Shane opened the door slow if one of the guards was still present. Quickly Leonard, Shane and Mac quietly creeped out of the room. Heads were turned to see if security was still around. They went around many corners and unfamiliar ways before reaching a door labelled EXIT.

“This is another way to exit the building, the back way” said Shane

They all climbed over the wall and started to walk back to their houses.

“My house is not too far from here” said Leonard.

“Seriously!?” Shane mentioned

“Yeah! It will give me enough time to think this all over”

“Oh… well before we go, why do you like walking especially at night?” Mac

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