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Paris Peace Treaties Research Paper

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The Paris Peace Treaties seemed fair to the allied forces, however, most the terms that were applied to Germany were not fair in any way. Although there may be some gray areas within some of the terms, the treaties were driven by revenge. The harshness of the applied terms came from both France and Britain regarding the suffering and destruction that Germany had caused in their lands. Woodrow Wilson had initially written the “Fourteen Points” which as well had a few unfair points such as the League of Nations, but it didn’t contain terms as harsh as those that were applied to Germany.
The single reason why Germany signed The Treaty of Versailles was because they thought they would receive Wilson’s Fourteen Points. That promise was broken and instead, more dreadful terms were applied. Germany had her land taken from her, …show more content…
One of which being that the central powers were treated similarly. They were not punished as bad as Germany; however, Austria-Hungary was required to return the land that they had conquered. Self determination was given to the many different races that resided in Austria-Hungary, resulting in the country being split up completely. Newer countries such as Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia were created from the split Austria-Hungary. Another fair term is that Germany was to return the land that they had taken. Much of this land belonged to France.
Though there being fair terms to the treaties, much of the punishments were unfair. Self determination was stripped from Germany and was not allowed to have a military big enough to defend itself. The Navy were to give their ships to Britain and their army was limited a mere 100,000 men. Therefore, the balance of power in the East became unbearable. In regards of defence, Germany was not permitted to join the League of Nations, envisioned and formed by Woodrow Wilson for “Just peace.” Some may argue this term to be fair, however in my opinion, it is

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