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Domestic Terrorism Research Paper

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How to deal with Nationalism Terrorism
Support NGO that offers free education to all child in a terrorist nation but make sure the NGO support a democrat government. Education can give some children a differ opportunity in life other than being a terrorist. Talk to the Terrorism
Commutation could be the key to stopping terrorism. Know what the terrorist wants and then make a step to make that happen within reasons could stop the violent. Terrorism is people to and most people want a safe place for themselves and their family. Understand Terrorism and Gather Information
Terrorism is a problem and the best way to solve a problem is to understand the what, who, why, and the how of the problem. Another way to understand terrorism is to gather information that helps stop terrorism. …show more content…
Two ways to bring America together could form our own language and religious.
Local Police Training
Local police also need some train to identify and stop domestic terrorism. The local police officer may not need as much train as DHS but should have some knowledge of

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