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Domestic Terrorism Significance

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Domestic Terrorism and Why It’s Significant

September 11, 2001 was a very significant day for the U.S. It caused widespread panic and terror. There have been many, many acts of terrorism since that day, many of which are not committed by enemies to our country, but by citizens within. These acts of terrorism committed by people from our country are known as “Domestic Terrorism.” It is my belief that people should be educated on the matter and on the attacks so the general population can be aware of our situation rather than assuming everything bad is caused by Muslims from the middle east, because that’s racist.

According to Google, Terrorism is defined as “the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.” Most people understand the concept, though some are unaware that terrorism can be further categorized by the origin of the attacks. International Terrorism is what most people are familiar with, these are attacks coming from outside of the country being attacks (U.S.A. in our case,) Domestic Terrorism are attacks coming from citizens within the country. They are both Terrorism and inherently bad, but they also are generally differentiated by motive. The F.B.I defines terrorism further by saying that it is an offense that Is calculated to influence or affect the conduct of government by intimidation or coercion, or to retaliate against government conduct. This is more informative …show more content…
The death count however, is very similar in the samples we have, meaning that the attacks linked to Jihadists are approximately twice as deadly. Many dismiss this fact as because as long as the intent and capability to follow through with an attack like this is there, there’s danger. I would have to agree with this, I’m sure certain attacks simply happened to be more “successful” and that neither is less dangerous than the

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