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Domestic Violence Effects On Children

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Domestic violence is a nationally epidemic that continues to exponentially grow and plague most families throughout the country. Domestic violence can be defined has any intimidation, physical assault, sexual assault, or other abusive behavior executed by one intimate partner against another. One distinguishing characteristic of domestic violence is its innate ability to affect individuals regardless of age, race, nationality, or economic status. Although countless studies have researched the adverse effects of domestic on battered women, the effect of the violence on the children involved has been greatly ignored. It has been determined through myriad studies that domestic violence not only affects the mother’s caregiving abilities but also …show more content…
In a study conducted by Holms, it is estimated that roughly 4.6 million children in the United States are currently being exposed to domestic violence. In many instances, children who are exposed to these violent crimes not only witness the physical injuries but also the emotional pain that is inflicted on the victims. In other instances, some children may not witness the violent acts directly but are still aware of its occurrence in the home. Although the effects of exposure of violence during childhood are not as widely studied as child abuse, its effects can be just as damaging and paralyzing. As with child abuse, a child’s exposure to domestic violence can cause brief or long term outcomes of internalizing and externalizing behavior problems during adolescence, including delinquency, status offenses, and perpetration of violence (Sousa et al., 2011). One of the primary studies in psychology and childhood development involved Bowlby’s attachment theories, which demonstrate the importance of a child attaching with his or her primary caretaker or maternal figure. Bowlby’s theory emphasizes the importance of a healthy parent child relationship and how this relationship can affect a child’s long-term development (Bowlby, …show more content…
This secure base allows children to develop confidence in their independence, which aids in their future goals and expectancies (Sousa et al., 2011). In contrast, children who exhibit avoidant or resistant attachment do not do as well as they proceed through the developmental stages. Therefore, it is important to understand how mothers who experience domestic violence attach with their children. The relationship between a mother and her child is comprised of two complementary systems—the caregiving system in the mother and the attachment system in the child (Levendosky et al., 2011). Both of these systems are crucial essentials for the formation of a healthy mother and child relationship. These two systems do not become fully activated until pregnancy and continue throughout the child’s first year of life. The goal of these systems is to obtain protection for the child by maintaining proximity to the caregiver (Levendosky et al., 2011). Consequently, the complementary goal of the caregiving system is to provide protection for the child (Levendosky et al., 2011). Therefore, it is apparent that both of these systems work in harmony in order to guarantee the child’s survival, development, and growth. Levendosky and her colleagues also note that mothers who experience domestic violence or other types of abuse typically cannot provide the protection and

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