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Exposure To Domestic Violence

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Numerous studies have demonstrated that children who experience or are exposed to domestic violence can lead to a range of internalizing and externalizing behavior problems. Past research has shown that children exposed to domestic violence especially abused children, can exhibit a variety of psychological problems which can include anxiety and depression (Self-Brown, Leblanc, David, 2015). The effects of children dealing with domestic violence persist into their adolescent ages and teens who were abused and or witnessed domestic violence are more likely to experience depression as well as other externalizing problems, such as violence perpetration and delinquency. With the exposure of domestic violence in childhood, it has been linked to a …show more content…
Violence exposure within the home and the community have been associated with disruptions in normal development in school age children. Children who witness domestic violence may also have impaired educational attainment as well as facing other challenges such as struggles with self-esteem and forming relationships. Past studies suggest that although there seemed to have been progress in terms of professional understanding and service responses regarding domestic violence, there seem to also be limited structured cooperation between the professional groups in addressing the effects of domestic violence on children (McKinley, Sieger, Agliata, Renk, …show more content…
The short-term effects of domestic violence on children causes immediate reactions that may include sleeplessness, nightmares, increased aggression, difficulty concentrating, and generalized anxiety. It was mentioned before, but not all children are exposed to violence and are affected equally or in the same ways. Some may not be affected at all, but these responses that we notice in children should be addressed as soon as the symptoms present itself. The long-term effects it has on children, especially if the child is experiencing chronic exposure to the violence and it may include physical health problems, behavior problems in adolescence (alcohol, substance abuse, juvenile delinquency), and emotional difficulties in adulthood (depression, anxiety disorders, PTSD) (Cohodes, Chen, Lieberman, 2017, p.

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