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Pressure Ulcer: The Four Stages Of Wound Treatment

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A pressure ulcer is a wound or sore caused when an area of skin and the tissues below are damaged due to an occlusion of the blood supply (Neilson, 2014). If the lack of blood supply is prolonged the tissue will continue to degrade. This progression is categorized into the four stages of pressure ulcers. I will begin by giving an overview of each stage, and then comparing and contrasting the stages. I will finish with two unconventional options of wound treatment derived from folk medicine.
Stage I of a pressure ulcer is when the skin is intact, and has localized redness that does not turn white (blanch) when pressure is applied (The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel [NPUAP], 2015). The site of the pressure ulcer is usually located over a bony area of the body (NPUAP, 2015). The location could have a different temperature or texture than that of the rest of the skin, or be painful (NPUAP, 2015). …show more content…
The wound can present as a shallow, shiny, or dry open red/pink wound without bruising or shedding of dead tissue (NPUAP, 2015). The wound can also present with a either a ruptured or intact serum or sero-sanginous filled blister (NPUAP, 2015).
Stage III is characterized by a full loss of tissue thickness (NPUAP, 2015). Subcutaneous fat could be visible but bone, tendon and muscle are not (NPUAP, 2015). Shedding of dead tissue, undermining and tunneling may very well be present (NPUAP,

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