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Spiritual Care Intervention Case Study

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Spiritual Care Interventions
Being present gives a perception of consciously ‘being with’ a client in an emotional and psychological sense. It lets the caregiver guide a patient into revealing personal stories. The purpose of this exercise is to facilitate the process of the client's discovery regarding new health choices and behaviors, meaning and purpose within life, and insights into effective ways to cope. As a result, the caregiver is able to make a more accurate diagnosis and prescribe an appropriate therapeutic approach.
Deep listening is a way of hearing in which we are fully present with what is happening in the moment without trying to control it or judge it. This happens when we let go of our inner clamoring and our usual assumptions and listen with respect for precisely what is being said.
Bearing witness is to be present to the events and the emotions of another’s life and experience. We find strength and comfort in knowing that other human being bear witness to the significant events of our lives. Takes …show more content…
This can be a very challenging task to “navigate the hierarchy of family decision makers (Garrison, 2015, p.570).” Usually, “decision makers are spouses, adult children, parents of minors, or siblings who know the patient’s preferences and are able and willing to act in accordance with their wishes (Garrison, 2015, p.570).” Hmong traditions involve relevant male care takers in medical decision making. “In other family structures, such as in some traditional Native American or Ecuadorean societies, women and men equally weighed in to dictate major medical or economic decisions for their families (Garrison, 2015, p.571).” They both “were equally instrumental in deciding when a family member should seek medical care and from whom, such as from a traditional healer or from Western medicine (Garrison, 2015,

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