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Deprivation Of Maternal Care

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Research on the dangers of institutional care for young children dates back to the 1940s. Rene Spitz, a psychoanalyst, undertook research in the 1930s and 1940s on the effects of maternal deprivation and hospitalism. His studies were one of the first to show that that social interactions with other humans are essential for children’s development. Spitz focused on infants who had experienced abrupt, long-term separation from the familiar caregiver, as, for instance, when the mother was sent to prison.
He thought that infants in institutions suffered from lack of love and they were missing important parental relationships, which in turn was hurting or even killing them. (Spitz 1945)

Another famous psychiatrist William …show more content…
The effects of this report were described in the preface to the WHO 1962 publication Deprivation of Maternal Care: A Reassessment of its Effects. This work had a great influence on eventual shift towards the professionalisation of alternative care. (Ainsworth 1962)

Bowbly was the author of the hugely influential but also controversial “attachment theory” saying that: if within the first six months the attachment or bond to mother either fails to establish or breaks down in some way, there are serious negative consequences for the child's state of mind well into the future.

Schaffer and Emerson (1964) found that attachments did not automatically result from the mother simply being with the baby, as Bowlby had thought. Instead, they seemed to develop as a result of the quality of the interaction with the baby and mother and so an infant could form a relationship with someone who was not their primary …show more content…
Most important Rutter showed evidence that many children are not damaged by deprivation and proved the importance of a child's relationship with people other than his mother. Although the first few years may have a special importance for bond formation and social development he found clear evidence that experiences at all ages have an impact on child development too.
Majority of studies on institutions is based on children from orphanages from Eastern Bloc particularly Romania. According to Human Rights Watch a prominent lack of emotional and physical contact from caregivers is consistently found and although any individual child’s experience may be different, the probability of a child receiving warm, consistent care giving in these setting is quite low. Although there are variations in the degree of neglectfulness both across and within orphanages, these settings have been characterized as ranging from poor to appalling.
According to a Canadian study of development of Romanian children adopted from orphanages children who experience institutionalization and are subsequently adopted generally arrive in their adoptive homes in poor condition. But this study also revealed a more positive picture than earlier work on institutionalization indicating that fully two-thirds of orphanage children were doing well given their poor

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