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The Role Of Safeguarding In Health And Social Care

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Harm is defined as being mistreated, abused or neglected while abuse is the deliberate hurting and maltreatment from one person to another, violating an individual’s civil and human rights ( Both harm and abuse can be in the form of financial, physical, sexual, psychological, maternal, domestic abuse or neglect by not providing the basic necessity.
Discriminatory abuse is a form of harassment motivated by an individual’s age, race, gender, religion, sexuality or disability (, 2018). Neglect is the failure to meet an individual’s personal needs such as medical care, personal care, warmth, food, rest, religious or cultural needs (Cape et al., 2012).
The CQC noticed that safeguarding was a major concern at Fleetwood Hall. It is a legal obligation for healthcare professions and organization such as the NHS and care homes to safeguard service users from harm or abuse by implementing a robust procedure to reduce the risk by verifying recruitment checks and ensuring staffs are DBS cleared. …show more content…
These incidents were unacceptable and Fleetwood received a rating of inadequate.
The government has a zero tolerance approach towards discrimination, abuse, neglect and deprivation of liberty. The Care Quality Commission will investigate and persecute an organisation for not complying with regulation guidelines (,

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