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Doohickeys Case Study Essay

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Problem #4
According to the case study, Doohickeys U need is evidently violating the United States Department of Labor law, by no having a realist and up-to-date plan of standardized operational procedures (SOP), in compliance with the rules and regulations previously stablished by the department of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). This lack of on the job safety regulations, is creating a hazardous environment for all employees and definitely, questionable products due to the lack of a healthy environment, at all levels of production. This current atmosphere is also creating grounds for a possible lawsuit against the company, due to the high possibility of having preventable accidents and OSHA monetary fines, due to health and safety violations. It is empirical for Doohickeys U need to review and update the current SOP and follow an adaptable plan to train all employees according to the company’s necessities and preventions.

Solution #1
It is …show more content…
We observed that it is an immediate necessity for this company to create an “Education Program” based on OSHA standards to be able to create an environment of “Safety First” attitude in the mind all levels all supervision and factory employees. According to the company current necessities, we recommend the hiring of a third party OSHA certified company dedicated to teach all employees including management, about safety and health regulations. This training should be implemented every week with different topics addressing the company current necessities. The company should also invest on training plant supervisors about OSHA 10 hours and 30 hours General Industry Certifications, to be able to have the knowledge to prevent, identified and deal with accidents and health issues pertaining to the

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