...Andres F Urueta Dr. Maugh LIB-495-GS001 December 5, 2014 Abstract This research paper examines the impact of Mexican drug cartels in the United States. Most Americans are not aware of how far reaching these cartels are in the United States. Their power has an influence in our government and communities. This project examines who the Mexican Drug cartels are, what their purpose is, where they have influences, and when did they start to become a problem for the United States. This paper also touches base on the impact of the drugs that are illegally brought into the United States by these cartels and their methods for justice. These cartels generate billions of dollars at the expense of Americans who become addicted to the drugs that are transported in the United states. Are these cartels a problem of the past or an indication of the future. Contents Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Literature Review Chapter 3 Research Design and Methodology Chapter 4 Results of Study Chapter 5 Summary and Discussion Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 6 Chapter 1: Introduction Introduction The Mexican drug cartels have been a cancer that has grown throughout Mexico. Influenced by Colombian cartels, such as the Pablo Escobar’s Medellin Cartel. In 2008, over 5,600 people were killed in Mexico. Many of them were tortured or beheaded (Hixson, 2009). The cartels have stretched from the border town of Tijuana all the way up Colorado and some parts of the East Coast. Many...
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...Portillo Proposal for an Inquiry Paper 4/13/11 Border Crime Background: The blanket topic of border crime has always held a great amount of interest for me. I have done a few other papers on the topics of immigration, and the Mexican drug cartels. Through those papers I have learned a great deal, however I have only ever researched the problems along the Mexican-American border. Through this paper I have started branching my research out to include criminal activities along the other border as the Canadian-American border and the oceanic borders. In addition to already having done some research on one part of this topic, there is another reason that caused me to be interested in this topic as well. This reason was the main event that was the spark that lit the flame of curiosity in me, and it occurred on one of the many trips down into Baja Mexico that my father and I take almost every year. This particular incident took place around two to three years ago in some small Mexican down about some odd two hundred miles down into Baja. Back then I had no real interest in the problems that occurred along our borders any more than what I would see from time to time in the newspapers or on TV. I didn’t really realize that there was a real problem with the Mexican Cartels; I like many Americans was blind to what was going on outside of my own little bubble in my own little town. However after this trip I realized that there were problems in Mexico. My realization of this occurred...
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...2012 I plan to limit my research to the borders and the Arellano-Felix drug lord. The borders are the ones that have the most influences in the country. Although this is a narrower topic, I am not sure that this topic is narrow enough because of the controversies associated with the war on drugs and the borders. Most of the illegal drugs consumed in the United States come through or from Mexico, and virtually all the revenue of Mexican drug-trafficking organizations comes from sales to the United States. Kleiman Mark, (Article in the September/October 2011 Issue of Foreign Affairs Magazine), "Surgical Strikes in the Drug Wars: Smarter Policies for Both Sides of the Border". The specific claim about this topic in my final paper would be about the way of how one of the most powerful drug organization leader was capture to at least slow down the problem of drug trafficking that comes through the Mexican boarders. The United States government needs to do something and gain control over the drugs that are being trafficked into their country. The policies that are in place do not seem to be doing very much as far as easing the problem this country has with drugs and drug crimes. Society knows that Drug trafficking, crime, human trafficking and money laundering always come together that’s not news to anybody. Being so close to Tijuana Baja California, The San Ysidro and Otay borders are perfect targets to be use to smuggle drugs across to San...
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...have opened the border states of the United States to competition from Mexican trucking companies in 1995, and all of the United States to this competition in 2000, the full implementation of these provisions has been delayed due to concerns about the safety of Mexican trucks and drivers. This delay has resulted in much frustration for Mexico, which, in 2009 implemented retaliatory tariffs on products imported from the United States. In March, 2011 the two countries unveiled a deal to resolve this dispute which could help ease tense relations between the two neighbors. This paper discusses the nature and significance of the trucking dispute between Mexico and the United States. Keywords: Transportation, trucking, NAFTA JEL classification: A10, F13, F23 ______________________________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction The economic ties between Mexico and the United States are of importance to policymakers because Mexico borders the United States and because of the significant economic links connecting the two countries. It is also of strategic importance for the United States to have a prosperous, democratic, and friendly Mexico as a neighbor. Mexico is the United States’ third largest trading partner, after Canada and China, while the United States is Mexico’s largest trading partner. Trucks carry about 80 percent of the cargo, by value, from the United States to Mexico, and vice versa. The United States and Mexico have had substantial...
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...Immigration and Border Policy In recent years, Illegal immigration has been a contemporary political and social debate. It has been the platform of many politicians, especially in the southwest, and it is often a popular subject in news media. People in favor of strict immigration policy often claim that illegal immigrants are costly to the American economy and that they take American jobs. The border control policy is ineffective, it is often too costly for its effectiveness. Border policies have increased the number of immigrant deaths in the deserts of border states. Not only that but the US/Mexico border is harmful to the environment. The anti-immigration policy that's currently in effect goes against a rich cultural history in North America. Lastly, popular arguments made for strict immigration will be brought to light. In 2006, George W. Bush signed H.R. 6061, also known as the Secure Fence Act, in an attempt to increase border security and expand the US/Mexico Border. Prompted by heightened national security measures after 9/11, the bill was designed to "help protect the American people" and marked " an important step toward immigration reform" (Bush 2006). The bill doubled funding for border security, increasing expenditures from $4.6 billion in 2001 to $10.4 billion in 2006. This money went to "[authorize] the construction of hundreds of miles of additional fencing along our Southern border" and to "[deploy] thousands of National Guard members to assist the Border Patrol"...
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...Persuasive Research Paper 1 Final Project: Persuasive Research Paper Axia College of University of Phoenix Cliff Cook Final Project: Persuasive Research Paper Com 220 April 11, 2010 Final Project: Persuasive Research Paper 2 Illegal immigration is one of the most controversial issues in today’s society. It is a major topic in many political debates, and one cannot read a newspaper or watch the evening news without eventually coming across a story about it. With all of the commotion surrounding illegal immigration, it is no surprise that many American citizens are concerned about how much it will affect their lives. The exact impact of illegal immigration is impossible to measure due to the fact that the majority of illegal immigrants are undocumented. However, it is clear that it has both negative and positive impacts on the American workforce. Whether or not one past outweighs the other is a personal opinion, but the only way to make an informed decision is to know the facts from both sides of the argument. This research report will discuss both the negative and positive impacts that illegal immigration has on the American economy, but will begin by giving a brief background on illegal immigration. [pic] Final Project: Persuasive Research Paper 3 Background ...
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...For the last century the united states has been fighting a multi-billion dollar drug war with the southern border region with México. This research paper focuses on the effects of the drug wars in America. The effects of the drug wars are the illegal substances people bring in & the foreign money that they bring in. What has all the drug wars &trafficking done to our economy? I chose the topic of drug wars & trafficking for many reasons. The first reason was because I live so close to the US-México border and it fascinated me. The second reason was because I was very curious of all the details toward how they bring it and how much they make doing it. The last reason I chose this topic was to just teach myself the basics like how many drugs are crossed over every day. I took several steps in conducting research on the drug wars. First, using my local library I found a book called The reaper's line: life and death on the Mexican border/ by Lee Morgan. Second, by googleing “drug wars” I found an article from the Los Angeles times stating all of the loss of lives due to the cartels. Lastly, I interviewed my neighbor who is a border patrol officer. Example 1 had some positive and negative outcomes for my research. One positive was that I got real facts about the murders & kidnapping on the border. Another positive was the fact that the book had reliable sources. However there were some negative outcomes as well. One was that the book was published in 2006 so...
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...(Goodman, 2011) Mexico. Poor wretch. A PUT-UP JOB Barbara Wigman How to write a paper 9/20/13 LECTURER: W.G. GOLDMAN UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES OF ARNHEM AND NIJMEGEN MEXICO. POOR WRETCH. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 2 Part I: Origins of the war ......................................................................................................................................... 3 Part II: Government versus government ................................................................................................................. 3 Part III: A put-up job? .............................................................................................................................................. 3 Part IV: enclosure .................................................................................................................................................... 4 Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................................ 5 1 HOW TO WRITE A PAPER. BARBARA WIGMAN MEXICO. POOR WRETCH. INTRODUCTION The war-on-drugs is a widely known phenomena all over the world. When pinpointing the war-on-drugs, Mexico is mostly the first country which comes to mind. Poor wretch, or not? It is no...
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...Should The United States Militarize Its' Borders What does the word territory mean to you? Could it mean simply an area of land that is ruled under the jurisdiction of a state or leader? Territory is one of the never ending battles humans of the Earth will face. We fought over it hundreds of thousands of years ago. And we are still fighting over it today. The battles we face today are different that in the past. Today the United States are fighting to keep the U.S. of America free and not overrun. But is that victory we envision in our future worth the cost it will entail. The only thing that is separating the United States border and Mexico’s border is simply an imaginary line. It is nothing we can see just what we are told is there. Then there are the official structures, the fences and wall and the use of border patrol agents to enforce the laws and boundaries. Yet you still have illegal immigrants crossing into United States territory without permission. What can we do to solve this issue at hand? We can invest in the use of heavy force. We can militarize our borders. Militarization is the organization or aggregation of military force in a territory. (Wickham, n.d.) The United States can send thousands of men and women to the borders to stop this from occurring. They can increase the size of the fences and walls. Invest in drones and spy planes. The only problem is how many will it take, or how will this affect the economy of the United States. This could lead to higher...
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...Bern University of Applied Sciences Business and Administration Drugwar of Mexico The Mexican drugwar hampers the development of the national economy Final paper for the module "Academic Methods of Working" submitted as part of the degree programme Semester Class Authors Bachelor of science Business Administration 2 2i Ardian Beqiri Kevin Leiser Thomas Zbinden 22th May 2013 Benjamin Spycher Benjamin Spycher Date of submission Supervision Responsible for the module Page 2 Contents 1. 2. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 3 Source basis ............................................................................................................. 3 2.1. Research method .................................................................................................. 3 2.2. Documentation of research .................................................................................... 3 2.3. Discussion of the source material .......................................................................... 4 2.4. Summaries ............................................................................................................ 5 2.4.1. 2.4.2. 2.4.3. The Mexican Economy After the Global Financial Crisis ............................................. 5 Inside Mexico’s Drug War ............................................................................................ 5 Drug War...
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...Liu Linna (H10001004) Paper #1 Prof. Nolt International Economics April 13, 2013 Mexico Trade: Gain Advantage from Low Cost Executive Summary: In the essay, I mainly discuss the comparative advantage of Mexico trade. After analyzing the related data and sources, I find that Mexico has the major advantage of production cost compared with its major export partners. Mexico exports more labor-intensive goods to the NAFTA members, the US and Canada, which also reflects that the economic globalization promotes the development of Mexico trade. Background: Mexico is the eleventh largest economy in the world, with a GDP of US$1.66 trillion in 2012. Mexico exported $336.3 billion and imported $341.9 billion last year. Mexican exports are not only raw materials such as oil or silver, but also manufactured goods and even high-technology products, including assembled aircraft, pharmaceuticals, communications equipment, and computer and office machinery, which represent 19.6% of total Mexican exports. The United States is Mexico’s largest trading partner (73.5%), followed by Canada (7.5%) and Germany (1.7%). Mexico is also one of the countries with most trade agreements in the world, having 12 free trade agreements with over 40 countries including North and Central America, the European Free Trade Area and Japan, putting more than 90% of its trade under free trade agreements. Main Body: Mexico’s export industry is labor-intensive because...
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...Effect of border proximity on school performance in imperial County abstract Education in Imperial County, from the elementary to the high school level, always ranks among the lowest in the state. This constant underperformance might be due to the high level of minority enrollment throughout the county. This paper uses census and other government data along with school accountability report cards to show that border proximity negatively impacts the performance of a school. While economic and immigration factors are probably not the only reason for this, this paper uses state testing reports and population demographics to compare the schools side by side and account for the difference in school achievement. 1. Introduction The economy of Imperial County ranks among the lowest in the state. This, in turn, reflects heavily on the level of academic achievement in the three main high schools. In addition to this, the county is also home to a large immigrant population, attributed to the proximity with Mexico and large farming sector. However, it is interesting to note the difference in school performance and how they relate with how far away they are from the international border. Taking a number of factors into account, we should observe a lower level of achievement in the school closest to the border. This paper attempts to examine the relationship between school performance and immigration. Specifically, does the higher level of minority students affect academic...
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...Best Practices Paper In this paper, the subject is to assume the role of a Chief Executive Officer of a transnational organization such as HSBC Holdings seeking to expand its global operations into Mexico of which the market analysis is favorable. In this paper, the subject is to develop an implementation plan by examining best business, cultural, and legal practices. Other considerations include the integration of the organization’s entry mode into the banking industry in Mexico and how HSBC will create and maintain a competitive advantage in Mexico. Expanding into Mexico Mexico ranks number one in terms of economic clout in Latin America and number four as an emerging market. The Mexican economy as prospered during the last few years. Mexico has reduced sharply its government and external debt. The government has helped the economy by imposing monetary and fiscal policy discipline to promote stability and growth in per-capita income. According to Grant Thornton (2011), the Mexican economy has unprecedented stability for the last eight years. Inflation and the peso have been stable. The country has 12 free trade agreements with 43 countries and exports have surged. Mexico also benefits from qualified labor, together with powerful manufacturing and assembly industries. In view of this favorable analysis Mexico will be suitable for HSBC to expand its operations. Mexico is very important location within the emerging markets, (Thomann...
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...Trade: U.S./Mexico Trade—7 Steps to Close the Gap”, which is about the strategies the U.S exporters and importers should acquire to improve the efficiency of trading goods through the border. By following these strategies, the U.S companies will more likely to get the most value possible when entering the Mexican market. This article explains very well why and how we, the U.S importers and exporters, should acknowledge these strategies. At the beginning of this article, the author introduces some facts about the increasing activities through the border between the U.S and Mexico. In 2012 alone, the trading values were $216 billion dollars in the U.S export and over $277 billion dollars in imports, which make Mexico the second largest export market of the U.S. We are expecting that in 2 more years, the our export to Mexico will be doubled from 2010. The author makes it very clear that the Mexican market is an” incredible market” that continues to grow 5 percent every year. By increasing exporting, the government is hoping to create millions of jobs. From the facts that the author mentioned above, it’s a huge motivation for the U.S companies to take advantages of this large and growing market to obtain the most benefit out of it. However, to succeed, the U.S importers and exporters have to understand the trending of the market and changes in regulation from both governments. The author mentions some challenges that could limit the increasing activities through the border. First...
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...Border Security Kristina Tsarnas Instructor Mr. Steve Ryan Composition Writing and Research 10/29/2014 I. Introduction A. “This paper will examine Border security 1. I am interested in this topic because I want to stop undocumented immigrants, and resources required preventing violence, crime, and terrorism. 2. State the initial questions that you used to develop your hypothesis; Are the U.S. Borders secure enough? B. With border security we have an issue with our nations security of in the southern land border with Mexico. Over the last 15 years there have been 12.2 million undocumented immigrants that have tried to cross the border. That number has dropped to 11.3 million. 1. Define all terms in your hypothesis: The really problem is when is our nation going to get better security for this problem to stop. 2. Identify points for further clarification (if any): When I think of border security, All I can think of is 911 or the incident that accord the other day with 2 cops getting shot by an undocumented immigrants. And this immigrant had two identities. a.) Sub points a (as needed) Border mayor on immigration crisis is illegal immigration children and mothers are trying to cross the border to escaping violence at home. The concern about better border security to protect our citens from the Ebola virus our on a rise. b.) Sub point b “ The is a lot going on with the border security Obama want to pass a bill about letting illegal...
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