Premium Essay

Dorothy Parker's Waltz

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Words 282
Pages 2
In “The Waltz,” by Dorothy Parker, the main character is a negative and two faced women. For example, her dark side slips, “Why, I'm simply thrilled. I'd love to waltz with you. I'd love to waltz with you. I'd love to waltz with you. I'd love to have my tonsils out”.(pg 1) This quote shows the reader she is a rude woman that says one thing but thinks another. The woman also make’s smart alec comments, judging the poor kid comparing him to dance like a football player. Also, the woman starts to assume, “The poor boy's doing the best he can. Probably he grew up in the hill country, and never had no larnin'. I bet they had to throw him on his back to get shoes on him”.(pg 2) The reader can clearly see she's a nasty woman who thinks she’s superior

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