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Emily Grierson's Funeral

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The story began at Emily Grierson's funeral, many men from the town attended because they admired her as well as the women who were curious. The funeral took place at her house, where no one had visited in over ten years. "A Rose for Emily" focused on past due taxes left for her to pay after her father's death, they were exempt as a favor for a large amount of money her father once contributed to the community (Faulkner, 1930, p. 52). Miss Emily insisted she wasn’t required to pay the taxes because of what her father had done.

To begin with, the narrator described a time when Miss Emily refused an official inquiry when the neighbors complained to the mayor about a foul odor coming from her house (Faulkner, 1930, p. 53). A group of men were sent to spread lime around her house, eventually killing the scent. Many in the community felt sorry for Miss Emily when her father died, he left her with the house and no money. At this time, she chose to deny her father's death due to her wanting privacy as well as her not wanting acknowledge the fact of him being gone (Faulkner, 1930, p. 55). For a while, she kept his body until it was reported and deputy came to her house stating that they had to take the body under the law. She …show more content…
It was a presumed thought Homer liked to have drinks with younger men and a concern of him being gay, he openly admitted he wasn’t a type to marry (Faulkner, 1930, p. 56). The town became worried for Miss Emily once again, as they deemed Homer as a bad example for her and the town youth. The women of the town urged the minister to have a discussion with Miss Emily about her relationship with Homer, no one knew what was said, however, the minister swore he would never return again (Faulkner, 1930, p. 56). In hindsight of their meeting, she decided to continue to see Homer, then the minister's wife invited her two female cousins from Alabama to visit for a extended

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