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Specialized Action Bag Case Study

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When Prepping Should You Consider Specialized Action Bags
Past articles have talked about the need for standardized bug-out-bags for every member of the family or group. The bags would be packed with individual survival in mind. Each bag would be a standalone general purpose survival kit in the event a member was separated from the group.
This article will focus however, on action bags, bags designed to meet specific challenges based on a particular area of operation.
Usually called A-bags an action bag is one that you would stash somewhere to be used in that particular environment typically your office/workplace. Every environment you operate in on a regular basis will present their own unique set of survival challenges when the SHTF.
If you work in a factory or in the office of a factory that produces or handles toxic chemicals as a routine matter, for example, and there is and EMP attack, a terrorist attack, an employee goes off the rails, or an accident occurs that may expose you, are you prepared to meet the challenge. Do you have the tools, materials, and equipment to survive in that particular environment? …show more content…
It is a bag, or kit designed to meet the survival challenges in a particular environment. The threats you may have to deal with could be manmade or natural disasters.
You would have to decide if the bag could be stored within the facility, secured in a locker, in a desk drawer or even in your vehicle that would be in the parking lot. The action bag would stay in place, but do not ignore it. Changes may have to be made to the contents as certain factors

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