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Dovanodopa Research Paper

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Pages 3
Have you ever wondered why some people are more prone to addiction than others? Even for certain diseases like diabetes or hypertension? Just like we have different looks, our bodies are different too. Studies carried out on addicts have pointed out to dopamine been the main cause of addiction. Drugs which increase dopamine in the brain can have untoward effect on certain addictive behaviors such as compulsive gambling, hypersexuality, and overeating. One such drug is Levodopa. In fact, one of the most addicting drugs is cocaine which acts mainly by inhibiting the recycling of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is one of the neurotransmitters in the brain and it induces pleasure as well as affecting bodily movement, motivation and cognition. Dopamine thus controls certain pleasurable feelings in the body caused by eating food, orgasms during sex and by addictive behaviors. That's why addictions are pleasurable …show more content…
As stated above, certain habits such as gambling, shopping, computer games and etcetera, cause release of dopamine from the brain. However, when these habits are repeated regularly, less and less dopamine is released in the brain and thus, pleasurable feelings are reduced. A person will thus try to repeat the habit severally so as to have the same pleasurable feeling. Due to low dopamine levels in the brain, the person will have low moods, feel irritable and feel less satisfied by the habit. Addiction thus sets in and the person becomes hooked to the habit in the quest to try gain more pleasure from it. However, most addictions have a cost to pay especially when it comes to finances, careers or family affairs as they spend a lot of time on the habit. A resultant job loss or financial constraint can bring in a lot of despair and the addict will result to the addictive behavior to seek more pleasure and to try escape from reality. Addiction thus becomes a total part of their

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