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Radical Mastectomy Case Study

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A multidisciplinary team will be involved in the care of breast cancer patients. The team may consist of an oncologist, radiologist, surgeon specialist cancer nurse specialists, pathologists, radiologists, radiographers and reconstructive surgeon. Sometimes the team may also include occupational therapists, psychologists, nutritionists, and physical therapists.
The team will consider several factors when deciding the best treatment for the patient, such as:
Type of breast cancer
Stage and stage of breast cancer - how big the tumor, whether it has spread, and if it has spread, how far
There or not cancer cells are sensitive to hormones
The patient's overall health
The patient's age (Does he have gone through menopause?)
The patient's own preferences …show more content…
In breast cancer, this procedure is often called breast-sparing surgery. This type of surgery may be recommended if the tumor is small and the surgeon believes that the cancer would be easy to separate from surrounding tissue. British researchers reported that about a fifth of breast cancer patients who choose breast-conserving surgery instead of mastectomy eventually require surgery back.

Removal of the breast. Simple mastectomy involves lifting lobules, ducts, fatty tissue, nipple, areola, and skin. Radical mastectomy means also eliminates muscles of the chest wall and the lymph nodes in the armpit.

Sentinel lymph node biopsy at home
A lymph nodes are removed. If breast cancer has reached the lymph nodes, it can be spread more broadly through the lymphatic system to other parts of the body.

Axillary lymph node dissection
If the lymph nodes are found to have cancer cells, the surgeon may recommend lifting some lymph nodes in the armpit.

Breast reconstruction surgery
A series of surgical procedures that aim to create breasts that look as much like the other breast. This procedure can be done at the same time as mastectomy. The surgeon can use breast implants, or tissue from another part of the patient's …show more content…
In some cases, radiotherapy is not required.

Types of radiation therapy include:

Breast Radiation Therapy
After the lumpectomy, radiation is given to the remaining breast tissue

The chest wall radiation therapy
This therapy is applied after mastectomy

Boosting Breast
High-dose radiation therapy is applied to a tumor that has been removed surgically. Breast appearance may change, especially if the patient's breasts are large.

Radiation therapy Lymph
Radiation directed at the axilla (armpit) and the surrounding area to destroy cancer cells that have reached the lymph nodes.

Breast Brachytherapy
Scientists at UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center showed that patients with early stage breast cancer in the milk ducts that has not spread, it seems to benefit after undergoing breast brachytherapy with a strut-based applicator. This 5-day treatment given to patients after they underwent a lumpectomy. The researchers found that women who received a strut-based breast brachytherapy had a lower recurrence rate, as well as the side effects are fewer and less severe. Side effects from radiation therapy may include fatigue, lymphedema, darkening of the breast skin, and irritation of the skin of the

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