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Opioids Research Paper

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The current opioid epidemic is flowing through America and crippling Ohio’s youth. According to the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) an average of 11 people die per day in Ohio of heroin related causes alone, such as overdoses or infections from dirty needles. The crisis causes over 4,000 deaths per year.
While some say that opioids are needed in medicine as a painkiller, they aren’t the only one on the market. As painkillers, opioids are very effective, but they are not necessary; other plants such as marijuana are also great painkillers, along with the fact that they do less damage to the liver and kidneys.
A nurse from Akron Ohio tells her story of how she got addicted to opioids and overcame the common disease known as drug addiction. Although …show more content…
It is used to treat moderate to severe pain following injury or surgery. However, in the short time it’s been available and prescribed, it’s quickly become one of the most abused drugs in the country. When a tolerance to Hydrocodone (the active chemical in opioids) develops, more and more of the drug is required to achieve the same feelings experienced when use first began. Serious Vicodin addicts have been known to take in excess of 25 pills a day in order to achieve the desired effects. According to the National Institute of Health or NIH, the opiate receptors in the human brain become flooded when Opioids are abused. This leads to drug addicts having to use more drugs and often overdosing while trying to reach the “high” that is desired.
Since the American vicodin debut in 2009 it has been the most commonly opioid offered by health professionals, with some 142 million prescriptions dispensed. Vicodin addiction is because of the drug’s chemical composition. In 2009, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration advised that it be removed from the market due to an increasingly high number of overdoses, as well as severe liver damage from the drug’s acetaminophen component. advice was ignored. As a result, have an opioid issue in Ohio and other

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