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Dr Paper D


Submitted By Teddy1991
Words 1796
Pages 8

To: Krusty Senior Partner
From: Christian Martin
Date: 7/14/2013
Re: Patrick Ford contract problem

Question Presented
The question presented is whether the parol evidence rule will preclude us from using Mr. Moxie’s statements to supplement the contract and if Mr. Ford has a claim against Mr. Moxie/ Electronics, Audio & Radio Sales for the money he paid for the home entertainment equipment that he purchased in the contract agreed on between the two parties. Brief Answer
The answer is no, Mr. Ford does not have a claim for breach of contract against Mr. Moxie and EARS for the installation of the home entertainment. Mr. Ford does not have a claim because the contract between the two parties of Mr. Ford and Mr. Moxie/EARS was written and final. Even though Mr. Moxie reassured Mr. Ford that the entertainment equipment he was interested in purchasing would meet all of his expectations especially in regards to the wireless signal being able to allow him to stream movies, television and music throughout his home. The parol evidence rule would in fact apply in this particular case because even though Mr. Moxie did relay some questionable information to Mr. Ford about the system being able to be effectively relay the signal throughout the entire house. As previously stated the contract between Mr. Ford and EARS through the sales representative Mr. Moxie was written and definite making the ultimate say in authority about the deal made between the two parties. Under the parol evidence rule additional Statement of Facts
There are two parties in this contract. The two parties are Mr. Ford and EARS/Mr. Moxie. The issue between the two parties is whether or not Mr. Ford has a claim against the entity EARS for a breach of contract based on information that Mr. Moxie a sales

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