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Dreadlocks In African American Culture

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Last year, Kylie Jenner posted a mirror selfie on Instagram of her hair braided into cornrows along with the caption “I woke up like this.” She faced immediate backlash; some of her fans called her racist, while African American Hunger Games actress Amandla Stenberg accused Jenner of appropriating black culture. Heidi Klum, Justin Timberlake, Jared Leto and Lena Dunham have also faced ridicule for donning cornrows, a hairstyle closely associated with black culture and Afro-centered tradition. This controversy over cornrows and other hairstyles like dreadlocks raises many questions. Is it cultural appropriation to adopt hairstyles often associated with people of another race? What is the difference between cultural appreciation and appropriation? Does fighting against …show more content…
For thousands of years, many races wore dreadlocks for its ability to keep hair out of the face, from Vikings to Buddhists to Native Americans to Africans. In fact, dreadlocks originated with Rastafarians, a religious group in Jamaica who viewed dreadlocks as the mane of the Lion of the Judah. Since dreadlocks began as part of a religious movement rather than a racial movement, the race argument does not have the same justification. Many legal cases have also forced the dreadlocks and cornrows issue into the spotlight. In 2010, Chastity Jones, a black woman working at the insurance claims processing company Catastrophe who wore dreadlocks to work to keep hair out of her face, was fired after refusing to alter her dreadlocks, a hairstyle it deemed “unprofessional.” Even though the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of Jones and called the act discriminatory because “the hair…is…culturally associated with people of African descent,” an appeals court disagreed and Jones lost the case. These kind of cases represent the fight

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