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Legal Feminist Pornography

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Pornography falls under speech that is protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution. McKinnon argues that pornography allows depiction of male dominance and female subordination and reinforces misogyny. Under this interpretation of legal feminism pornography should be outlawed to ensure sexist values do not continue to be displayed and grown. The protection of pornography is another avenue that traffickers use in order to make money off of their victims both of age and under age. Pornography gives no benefit to society except for the pockets of businesses who sell the product in mass quantities.
The Trafficking Victims Protections Act of 2000 (TVPA) was the first national legislation enacted to fight human trafficking within the United …show more content…
The legislation did not reach the population it looked to help, being the victims, and the law still made it impossible for obtaining help as victims were unable to meet structured criteria. The TVPA does not provide victims accurate protection from all the difference types of trafficking, and places an emphasis on the white victims, rather than all victims. Legal feminism looks to have all women freed from subordination, not just the white women. The United States has tried to set a model for ending human trafficking, but the country attempted to make it seem as though trafficking numbers were plummeting by reducing estimates, without the explanation as to why actions are being successful. After the TVPA was passed Congress stated that 50,000 women and children were trafficked a year in the United States, while in 2004 the Department of Justice claimed that between 14,500 to 17, 500 people were trafficked in the United States. From 2000 to 2004 the global rate of human trafficking remained unchanged, yet the United States now had 32,500 victims that just disappeared without out any reference to this many people being rescued or escaping from human

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