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Gettysburg Address Analysis

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Words 457
Pages 2
Margarita Castrejon
Rhetoric 105
23 January 2017
The Gettysburg Address Thanks to the men who have fought with their blood, sweat, and tears, there has been justice and liberty brought upon to our Nation.
This Nation is being put to a test as we speak. We’re being put through a test that determines whether or not this country is living up to it’s word. There is nothing more important for us to do than to honor those soldiers who have put all their might into this battlefield we stand on today.
It is our duty to honor those who have lived or died after the battle. It is not our place to own this battlefield, which it is not the battlefield us civilians have fought on. The world is most likely just going to do its thing and move on, but the actions of the courageous soldiers will forever have an impact. We have some type of obligation as proper civilians to ensure that their efforts will remain known and remembered. For their endeavours will always continue to inspire us to fight for the country that is now ours and has been hard fought for. We can not just throw away all their hard work for nothing. Once and for all, our people will live by the laws of freedom for all. We must rethink the ideas behind what freedom is and take that in to put into our government for our people. …show more content…
It was our duty to make sure that their efforts and actions were taken accountable. Our country decided to make the loss out of something and take the lost lives and turn it into a reason to keep pushing through for this country. The Gettysburg Address became a constant reminder as to what it is the men fought for. The men did not fight for our rights to be questioned, they fought to make sure we had the right to pursue freedom, justice, and liberty- includes right for all of the people under the

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