...more emotion words with their four-year old daughters than sons (2010). Even today, my parents use more emotion words when speaking to my sisters and me. However, I feel like my parents are more sensitive towards my seventeen-year-old sister and me than my fifteen-year-old sister. My seventeen-year-old sister and I have had more heart-to-heart conversations with my mother and even one time our father, than my fifteen-year-old sister. A study conducted by Pomerantz and Ruble, measured the amount of autonomy mothers granted in the context of control tactics aim at getting six-to-eleven-year-olds to meet their daily requirements (1998). The four domains in which autonomy granting was assessed were: decision making, helping (with homework and other projects), monitoring (overseeing completion of homework, out-of-school projects, and chores), and praising (communicating confidence in the child)....
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...kids have all been behaving very badly, and now I’m going to eat all of you!” Our client Rosa Lemon has sued. Rosa’s daughter, Sara, has had emotional outbursts caused by fear, loss of sleep and appetite. RULE Intentional infliction of emotional distress requires (1) defendant must act intentionally or reckless; (2) defendant conduct must be extreme; (3) conduct must be the cause of severe emotional distress. Facts must be met in order for intentional infliction to exist. ISSUE Did Jack Dee intend to cause emotional distress to the children of Hickory Elementary School? ANALYISIS If Jack Dee intended to cause severe emotional distress, this is a statement of fact, not opinion. Crucial elements of the tort of emotional distress exist, and Rosa Lemon may win in court. Jack Dee did of the following: 1. Jack Dee dressed as a monster and walked into a kindergarten classroom at Hickory Elementary School. 2. Sara Lemon has suffered loss of sleep and appetite, and numerous emotional outbursts at school, in fear the monster will return. Jack Dee will argue that he did not believe him walking into a kindergarten classroom, dressed as a monster, would terrify the children to the extent of developing emotional distress. Thus, the matter of him hatching this plan to scare the children is an opinion, and cannot constitute emotional distress. Some people may differ on the opinion that, dressing as a monster, would or wouldn’t terrify young children. Common sense would say...
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...Every time I remember my mother, I feel sad because she was a wonderful person. She was born on May 02, 1928 she had five daughters and seven sons. I was the youngest daughter and the lucky one because I had the opportunity to spend time with her. My mother and I were always a dynamic duo. For instance, we always worked together, feeding pigs on our little farm. Each afternoon when we fixed our farm, she sang songs and I repeated the songs with her. That was very funny for me. She was a very good looking beautiful woman. She had white skin and big green eyes. Another thing about her was that she had long curly black hair. She was from Guadalajara, Jalisco where women acquire different physical characteristics of many cultures, especially from Europe. Jalisco is remarkable because different people have unique characteristics that make each person’s character one of a kind. Another example is that she had a very soft personality. She always loved working in her garden. It was her favorite place to be because she was able to plant floral plants. In addition, she was a very hard working person that never gave up. I share the things I learned from her and relate her life lessons. Her favorite hobby was cooking delicious homemade food. For instance, in our country the most...
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...AGENTS OF SOCIALIZATION Agents of socialization can also be defined as those people or groups within our social environment that affects or influence the orientation of an individual’s attitude, behaviour, emotion and self orientation either positively or negatively. They affect us directly or indirectly socially, mentally, emotionally and even on our self development. These groups are responsible for making and shaping our entire life in the society. TYPES OF AGENTS OF SOCIALIZATION They are mainly five agents of socialization in the society which affects us on a daily basis, these agents of socialization are; The Family The Religion The School The peer group The Mass media THE FAMILY: The Family is the first group to have a great influence in our lives; they are the first form of socialization experience. The family are people we share the same genetics with in nature, they are people that can be said as the closest relations to us, they are grouped into two categories; Members of the immediate family and members of the extended family. The members of the immediate family consist of the spouse (husband/wife), parent, brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters. While members of the extended family consist of the grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin, nephew and niece. In general the family members are people that can share personal experiences and information to one and another, which on normal condition wouldn’t share with others outside the family membership...
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...This creates an extraordinarily superb piece of literature that transcends our wildest dreams. Through the use of characters, she is able to develop the different themes embedded in this story and embody the evolution of Hulga’s identity. For example, Hulga has been greatly influenced by her mother’s persona, since Mrs. Hopewell is highly critical of those around her and walks around with an immense sense of superiority. This is specifically evident when she refers to some people as “trash.” No wonder Hulga also has an aura of superiority; she has grown up witnessing her mother’s interactions with other people! Just as children pick up habits from their parents, they also observe their authoritative figures and imitate their psyche, to some extent. However, Hulga also feels that her mother is too basic, her conversations too simplistic. The irony is that although Hulga feels intellectually superior, she is physically and emotionally inferior and this is what Mrs. Hopewell means when she explicitly says that her daughter lacks “a grain of sense” (558). What is an inferior person’s worth or value? Nothing. Although Hulga desperately tries to be something in the world, at least through her intellect, she is nothing because her soul is empty and filled with anger and remorse of what could’ve...
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...Geriatric Class Project 1. My definition of aging is both mental and physical. I believe physical age is when your body starts to lose certain characteristics that it once had. Your skin is no longer tight like it used to be, now it loose and starting to wrinkle. With mental age (without disease ex: Alzheimer’s) I believe your mind gets wiser. You have lived a long life and most have been through many trials and tribulations that they have learned from. You have seen it all and done it all, to me older people give the best life advice, who better to get WISDOM from than a person who has lived through and experienced so much? 2. The Golden Girls shows an accurate and positive image of aging because it’s about 3 widows and a divorcee who are still able to live a happy life even in their age. Eventually all marriages will end in death or divorce so for someone to see that they can still live a happy and healthy life is good. The Golden Girls shows an accurate and positive image of aging because it’s about 3 widows and a divorcee who are still able to live a happy life even in their age. Eventually all marriages will end in death or divorce so for someone to see that they can still live a happy and healthy life is good. The Golden Girls Excerpt from the article HAS 50 BECOME THE NEW 30? By Frank Rocsi People these days are living longer than ever. And as they go through their longer, fuller, richer lives,...
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...Illusions are Destroying our Daughters Exchanging illusions for reality brings freedom and a clear mindset. Living in an illusion means to live in a world of misperceptions and contradictions between the senses. This lifestyle selectively accepts only the desirable aspects of life. On the other hand, living in reality entails accepting all things for what they truly are. This lifestyle requires embracing both positive and negative situations that occur. In today’s society illusion is applauded while reality is frowned upon. Suppressing life’s realities and living a fantasy will never lead to true satisfaction. In the play The Glass Menagerie all of the characters struggle with accepting their realities. For example, Amanda refuses to accept Laura’s disability and is controlling her daughter’s life. In Nanci Hellmich's "Do thin models warp girls' body image?" it clearly states how the perfect body image is an illusion, such as the one Amanda wants for Laura in The Glass Menagerie proving that people choose deception over reality because they feel inadequate compared to society's expectations....
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...paragraph story about a how a Caribbean mother teaches her daughter to be independent in her own way. Written in 1978, “Girl” teaches the lessons of a typical Caribbean woman in her short literary pieces. Kincaid’s story explicitly defining the roles of a woman in a manner to Kincaid’s may appear sexiest and seem to limit what a woman cannot do. However, Kincaid’s piece empowered allots various degrees of power, freedom and control to woman. In the story, a mother was giving her daughter advice about life, cooking, cleaning, men, and keeping up her reputation. Firstly, the mother stressed on woman and ferminity. She said “ this is how you iron your father’s Khaki pants so that they don’t have crease; this is how grow okra-far from the house, this is how you sweep a corner; this is how you sweep a whole house, this is how you sweep a yard” (14). Here the she meant that ferminity means hard work but not just makeup and high heels but rather cleaning the house; keeping the house nice and neat. Accoording the mother being a woman synonymous with keeping a house clean and wants to pass it from generation to generation. Although ironing, preparing food, and house cleaning are traditional feminine roles and may seem insignificant, it should be not be forgotten that these roles cannot be ignored as a woman in Caribbean culture and some part of the world. The mother seems to be serious on telling her daughter on how to do those house chores which is a good behavior...
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...April 2014 Influential People After a long day at work and finally reaching home with my daughter, I am stressed out. As my daughter and I enter our apartment home, the smell of Hawaiian Breeze Glade air freshener immense my nose. As I change out of my uniform, I realize that laundry needs to be complete and begin the process. My daughter is present and asks “Mommy can I help?” “Yes baby!” I say. Without hesitation she begins to put the white clothes inside the Whirlpool washing machine. Her short little frame pressed against the washing machine as she struggles to reach. She then looks at me with her almond shaped eyes stretched wide, “Mommy, I’m done, what’s next?” I respond, “Thank you Mari, you are such a big helper but I had a long day so it is best we wind down.” Instantly her mood shifted. Mari was torn into pieces. She loves to help me and I admire her willingness. Being only three years old at the time, it’s hard for Mari to understand the answer “no”. Her face clearly showed disappointment with tears streaming down her face. Her caramel skin, thick dark brown hair in two oversized ponytails, with pink lace clips in the front looks so adorable. I dread seeing her in dismay, but tonight was not the best night for activities. My mind was overwhelmed with burdens, frustration, and agony. I was crying internally but I couldn’t make it noticeable. I plead my case to my daughter as I had to slightly pull her to the bathroom. In a matter of time she calmed down and begin...
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...lie between the stimulus and response, influence our behaviour and the way we act. This is when we witness a certain action and then thought processes occur, this is where we consider how we behave. For example, a child may be watching the tweenies’ and witness reinforcement for good behaviour, they then would like the same reinforcement and therefore imitate this good behaviour. Another assumption of the social learning theory is that learning can occur by observation of others, such as role models. Social learning psychologists argue that we are more likely to imitate people who are similar to us, people in high status and people who are of the same gender and are warm, supportive people. An example, many young boys may imitate David Beckham by playing football and dressing the way he does, this is because of his high status. The social learning theory also believes can be a result of direct reinforcement and indirect of various reinforcement. An example of this is a child observing another child being rewarded for a behaviour and then decides to imitate this behaviour. Indirect reinforcement is when a child in the audience watches a child receive a medal for winning in a match the child in the audience watches this and wants to do the same. ‘modelling’ is when someone is modelling out behaviour with no intention. This may be something simple such as a mother washing the dishes and her daughter watching this. The daughter has therefore learnt the behaviour and the mother...
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...Personal Action Plan and Observation COMM/315 June 25th 2012 Elizabeth Jane Riegner, RN, PhD, NCC Personal Action Plan and Observation Social Class differences in American society are typically described as lower, middle or upper class. This determines to a large extent where one lives, work, go to school and even worship. Social class refers to one’s status in society and is usually determined by a variety of social and economic factors such as net worth, position of power, job title and dwelling. (Bucher, 2010). Other superficial factor that comes into play in social class distinction includes type of outfit, hairstyle, car, makeup, jewelry and mannerisms. The purpose of this paper is to observe a different social class outside of my normal environment and develop a personal action plan based on my observation to share with class while integrating my new found knowledge to improving cultural awareness and diversity skills. Observation I place myself in the middle class category based on my profession, net income, and decent home in the suburban area. Because of my middle class status, I chose to observe people I believe to be in the upper socio-economic class. I chose the Lenox mall located at Buckhead- Atlanta GA which has been frequented by the superstars and Millionaires. I took advantage of the weekend shopping for father's day to visit the mall and chose the high end store called Louis Vuitton (LV), a luxurious brand name store that sells variety of leather...
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...Honor killing in our country An honor killing or honour killing (also called a customary killing) is the murder of a member of a family or social group by other members, due to the belief of the perpetrators (and potentially the wider community) that the victim has brought dishonour upon the family or community. Honour killings are directed mostly against women and girls. The perceived dishonor is normally the result of one of the following behaviors, or the suspicion of such behaviors: a. dressing in a manner unacceptable to the family or community, b. wanting to terminate or prevent an arranged marriage or desiring to marry by own choice, c. engaging in heterosexual sexual acts outside marriage, or even due to a non-sexual relationship perceived as inappropriate, and d. engaging in homosexual acts. Women and girls are killed at a much higher rate than men. Recently, there has been a spate of honor killings in the country and this has led the government to decide what laws should be put in place to stop this heinous crime. Also whether the Hindu Marriage Act should be reformed or not is being debated. So what is the definition of honour killing and what leads families to commit this heinous crime so that they can protect their family honour? Is this practice prevalent only in India or is it prevalent in other parts of the world also? What are the misconceptions regarding honour killing and what are the solutions to stop this crime from spreading? These are the questions...
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...Colleen is attending college “up North” and having a challenging time adjusting to the new culture and expectations of her environment. Being from Mississippi, Colleen has always been proud of her family’s Civil War heritage and enjoyed hearing her parent and grandparents tell stories about her linage. She even spoke with a Southern accent that was thicker than either of her parents to demonstrate her pride. In high school, she was elected to a prestigious position in the Daughters of the Confederacy where she could organize events and socialize with influential members of the community. Colleen was very popular as she frequently hosted events and parties, always wanting the right people in the right place. She was a member of the cheerleading...
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...but really you need to put your big boy/girl underwear on and ask. The best thing you can do for a parent of a sick child is ask. I'm not talking about ear infections and the flu here (though it's still nice to ask, so they know you care). I'm talking the BIG elephants - lupus, cystic fibrosis, and one near and dear to my heart, kidney disease. Diseases that are in need of a cure; a cure we hope to find in enough time to save our son or daughter, before it’s too late. When dealing with parents of sick children, do not compare situations and do not say "I know how you feel". That saying, meant to bring about a common bond, just separates you further actually. The parent of a child that just suffered an allergy induced asthma attack is most certainly experiencing a traumatic event! It is not in any way, shape, or form equivalent to a child needing a tracheotomy. Do not say you know how that parent feels, unless your son or daughter has a tracheotomy as well. I refuse to say I know how a parent feels in my own little kidney group, because each of our cases are different! I do not know what it is like to bury my child. I do know what is like to be told my child is going to die. I do know what it is like to see him stop breathing, hear a...
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...transgender, transsexuals, and transvestites. These are specific crimes that drive a person by violence or a strong and selfish desire to severely injure or kill a person because of who they are or what they stand for. From coast to coast and throughout America’s heartland the murders of innocent people are occurring because they are different. They may or may not look any different than anyone else in your school, in college, at work or your neighbor. They are our sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, cousins, mothers, fathers that are gay, lesbian, transgender, transsexual that are being targeted, beaten severely, and killed. Anna Marie Lambert drove up the driveway to the rented farmhouse to visit her daughter and grandson. Inside the house she found the grisly, brutal, bloody scene and called the police. She took the grandson away from the bedroom and out to the kitchen away from the bodies. The male on the living room couch was identified as Phillip DeVine, 19. In the bedroom was the body of her daughter Lisa Lambert, 24, who was partly under the covers. The third victim was the body of Teena Brandon, 21 who was identified by Richardson County Sheriff Charles Laux. Teena Brandon had filed a police report a week earlier that John Lotter and Tom Nissen had raped, sodomized and beat her severely after a Christmas party (Ramsland, n.d.). Teena Brandon was a transsexual, female to male, and going by the name of Brandon Teena. Her greatest fear in life was to...
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