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Drug Abuse In America's Criminal Justice System

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America has been at war, fighting drug abuse for almost a century. Unfortunately, it is a war that America is losing and has had little success in. The U.S. spends billions of dollars every year trying to eradicate drugs from this country and correlating drug abusers with crime. While America’s leaders see the war on drugs as a domestic law endorsement, hospitals, prisons, and morgues continue to fill up with overdosing victims and people who get sentenced to jail because of a mandatory minimum drug offences. America’s criminal justice system needs to stop focusing on punishing and criminalizing drug abusers, and instead give drug abusers the help they need. Which in turn will lower the demand for illegal drugs. “In 2013, 1.5 million U.S. citizens …show more content…
Instead of helping these people, the government takes away the assistance they need. For example, they have many challenges receiving government assistance and education benefits for both themselves and their children (Lapitus). Benefits such as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TNF), food stamps, and public housing are no longer available to them (Llyod). People with any record of criminal activity can be denied house rights and evicted if anyone in their family engages in criminal activity (Lapidus). This loss of benefits can lead to homeless and many financial strains, ‘’Given that more than one third of incarcerated mothers were recipients of federal income before prison” (Lloyd). These children of prisoners also lose out on many educational advancements because they are no longer eligible for financial aid. Even more problems arise when the father isn't around (Lloyd). Many of these families are dependent on government funding before incarceration, and become even more economically strained if the father is in prison. In the state prison, more than half of the fathers reported to be the main provider. If the father was the main provider, it is hard and stressful for the mother to even provide basic needs for her children (National Research Council 271 ). Therefore, we need to help these people by offering them support and providing them with rehabilitation centers, so they can recover and find jobs. These centers will help these people get back on their feet, so they can support their

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