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Drug Addiction Treatment Center Research Paper

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Drug Addiction Treatment Center The major goal of the treatment center is to address the problems of the mental ill, developmentally disabled, drug dependent, and/or alcoholic, by helping to develop methods for avoiding and/or managing addiction & symptom manifestations. (Marlatt & Donovan, 2005).
Substance Abuse Treatment
Substance Abuse Treatment Center provides health services to all members of the local community, to include, low income seniors, families and children, veterans, homeless, and the mentally disabled, formerly incarcerated, and recovering substance abuse users. The organization is departmentalization based on regions and services provided. This allows for advantages, such as, specialization, fixed responsibility, better …show more content…
These services include, but not limited to, residential treatment, case management, day programs, supportive employment, detoxification, and outpatient services, etc. The treatment center employees individuals, such as, Alcohol & Drug Counselors, Art/Music Teachers, Early Childhood Program Managers, Health Assistants (Nurses & LVNs), Intake Specialist, Nutritional aide, Transportation Specialist, etc., to help fulfill its operational needs. For medical care, the treatment center works with local community health facilities and independent doctors to provide outpatients with medical services. Though federal, state, & local funding grants, SSI & Medicare payments, private billing, volunteer fundraisers, and nonprofit tax benefits, the Substance Abuse Treatment Center will be able to financially afford the opportunity to help the local Wisconsin …show more content…
Lower level managers are expected to use control to oversee the planning, organizing, staffing, and directing of the organization operations. Managers at all levels are to minimize conflicts and enforce company policies and procedures. The organization uses the Precede-Procced to help understand, analyze, and disrupt community health problems. Managers are to educate, motivate, or investigate employees if met with resistance. Marketing by the vehicle of advertisements and commercials is not how the organizations attracts patients. Our organizations display and highlights our great patient care, recovery record, and facility resources as a means to show our value. Public relations in the community and strategizing internal for the external forces allow for our organization to generate patient flow. Lastly, governmental agencies and local community programs influence our capabilities and resources. This is why budgets and ratio analyses of programs and services provided are critical to the organizations

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