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Animal Rights Violations

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Q2. If an owner/keeper has not licensed their dog they are committing an offence. If a puppy is over 4 months of age the legislation states that the animal must be licensed. Every single dog is to be escorted by its original owner (keeper) whom are accountable and make sure the animals safety restraint is in place in public areas. Dog wardens have a duty to ask the owners license, the inability to bring forth the licence and present it to the dog warden when requested will result in a penalty being applied. Local authorities may take legal action if the charge is unsettled. It is the responsibility of the owner to buy a licence for their animal at the local Post Office. It is also the responsibility of the owner to supply an ID tag and make …show more content…
Stray dogs that have strayed from their owner’s and have become lost and abandoned are the responsibility of the owner / keeper. Animals that are not kept in check or restrained, owners and keepers can become liable for the animals actions. The owner keeper is liable for an on the spot penalty if the animal is found unaccompanied. The Local Dog Warden and the Garda can take possession of the straying animal if a person is not found to be in charge and or escorting it and accompanying it. The Dog Warden collects the straying animal and transports to the local dog pound. If the owner does not come foreword within 5 days to claim the animal it is put to sleep or disposed of. It is the owner’s responsibility to report their lost dog, their first port of call to find the animal should be with the local Dog Pound. To retrieve your lost pet one must buy new updated licences and pay an incurred fee to return the animal to its original owner. Dogs that are unwanted are usually disposed of or rehomed depending on the circumstances. Dog wardens have the power to approach the animal's owner if a complaint has been made by an anonymous concerned member of public has evidence the owner has committed a breach of the Control of Dogs …show more content…
Do the vets have plenty of experience under their belt treating dairy cattle?

Would the vets be familiar with the type of vet medicine such as diagnosing, treatment and prevention of large animal disease?

What would be the 24 hour emergency arrangements the practice has in place?

Are the vets familiar with recent treatments for milk fever, ketosis or calving issues?

Is the vet used to treating a large volume of farm animal patients in one go?

Are the vets familiar with the breed of dairy cattle?

Has the vet plenty of experience with Artificial Insemination?

Would the vet be aware of the types of immunizations for the dairy herd?

Has the vet any experience with raw production milk?

How knowledgeable is the vet with dispensing advice on feeding to maximize milk production, awareness of milk withdrawal, the times after administering antibiotics?

Has the vet got plenty of experience and knowledge about calving problems and mastitis including regular illnesses of the cows and bottle-fed calves?

Does the vet test regularly for brucellosis?

Has the vet experience and knowledge in overseeing sperm donation, freezing and fertility

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