...Kayla Yelton Dehr/ Huffman ENG W131-46 10/11/2012 Final Draft Rhetorical Analysis Because Freedom Can’t Protect Itself ACLU’s website is very large and a reader would probably only come across it if he or she was on a search for specific information. The website is built mostly off of their credibility. The main point made by the website is that the reader has to protect his freedom, someone has to take a stand. ACLU builds up much of their credibility, and through articles and blog posts they try to gain support. Many of their articles are argumentative and informational as a way to gain support for their cause. When searching a popular, controversial topic ACLU will most likely pop up on the first page of one’s search results. When doing a search about “drug testing in the workplace” ACLU came up second with a link to the article, “Privacy in America: Workplace Drug Testing.” The ACLU’s concerns and values can be summarized by going to the bottom of any page on their website. The headers of links at the bottom of the page give away what topics they’re working with such as Human Rights, Immigrants’ Rights, LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) Rights, and Racial Justice. When using a search engine to search for any topic in these categories ACLU usually comes up on the first page of websites. ACLU comes up at least fourth or fifth most of the time when searching topics they are working with. This gives them more credibility because it tells the reader that this...
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...worldwide. The long history of research analysis proves the efficacy of antidepressants, but there are those who will falsely interpret clinical trials, or pool together selected studies to justify their claims. Scientists will agree that there are many flaws with antidepressant research, but with ever increasing new ways to re-test old research, the evidence of positive improvements are becoming harder to deny. This report shows that even though scientists are trying to disprove the effectiveness of antidepressants, the evidence of the scientific facts prove that antidepressants work for depression. Table of Contents List of Figures and Tables iv Glossary of Terms v General Information vii Thesis Statement vii Report Audience vii Author’s Purpose vii Argumentative Requirements Fulfillment Statement vii Introduction 1 Americans and Depression 2 Background of Depression and Antidepressants 4 Depression 4 Antidepressants 5 Depression Scale 5 Clinical Trials 6 Claims..................... 6 The Truth ......................................................................................................................................6 Prescribing methods 8 Placebo Effect 8 Efficacy of Antidepressants 9 Antidepressants and Levels of Depression 9 New Research 10 Pharmaceutical Companies 10 References 13 List of Figures and Tables Table 1. Depression Statistics…………………………………………………………………....3 Table 2. FDA Drug Review Steps Simplified…………………………………………………...
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...UNIT 1 Special Note: The argumentative essay is a very useful test of a student’s ability to think logically. Argue: v. 1. to persuade someone to do or not do something. 2. to give the reasons for your opinion, idea, belief, etc. Argumentative: adj. someone who is argumentative often argues or like arguing. Argument: n. a set of reasons that show that something is true or untrue, right or wrong etc. When you have an opinion and try to convince your listener or reader to accept your opinion, you are agreeing with or disagreeing with something. For example: In an everyday situation, you may try to convince a friend to go somewhere or in a composition or speech class, the instructor may make an assignment in which you must support or oppose the use of nuclear energy to produce electricity. If you agree or disagree on an issue, you will want your reader or listener to accept your point of view. There are a few types of argumentative compositions such as: 1. Advantages and disadvantages 2. Expressing opinions/providing solutions to problems 3. Expressing arguments for and against a topic 4. Compare and contrast something or somebody PURPOSE of ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAYS * An argument follows when two groups disagree about something. * People can have different opinions and can offer reasons in support...
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...“Free Personality Testing – Come this way!” read the sign out front of Scientology’s Castlereagh Street headquarters. As a sceptic, I thought it might be fun to give the test a try. Ascending some steps, passing under Scientology’s silver cross, and entering a galley of video screens and bookshelves, I had the distinct feeling of being in a science fiction museum. Approaching swiftly from starboard, was a smiling, and snappily dressed attendant, offering help. She led me past the roped off office of church founder, L. Ron Hubbard. Presumably, the great man beams in from out-of-galaxy from time to time. Soon, I was seated and presented with Scientology’s Oxford Capacity Analysis personality test: a battery of 200 questions asking how...
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...DISRUPTIVE PHYSICIAN By Irene Greenstein Risk Management in Healthcare Loyola School of Law Master in Jurisprudence in Health Law Dr. Blauhard's story… The Chief of Vascular surgery, Dr. Blauhard,, strode confidently down the central corridor of the operating theaters. Passing the open heart surgery rooms and the new hybrid theater he knew that his patient would be going to sleep in room 12, his room. The patient was lucky to have him as her surgeon. He had been vice-chairman of vascular surgery at a major university and had published extensively in his chosen field. He was viewed as a star. But he was not respected or revered or even liked by the staff at his new hospital. In fact, his behavior at the new hospital had been outrageous. He yelled. He criticized. He threw instruments. He humiliated nurses and technicians and even environmental services workers. He was insufferable to work with and for. So as he pushed through the doors into operating room 12 a sudden quiet fell and bodies tensed. The patient, scheduled for a popliteal aneurysm repair was fast asleep and intubated, sleeping deeply inhaling the agents that allowed the surgeons to invade and repair. The aneurysm pulsed quietly in the right leg, awaiting repair. The right leg was clearly marked across the front of the knee. But prior to prepping, the patient was rolled from the supine position into the prone position, effectively shifting the right leg to the left side of...
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...the next level because, airports and planes were exposed as vulnerable means. In the United States, policing is done at different levels. The federal government through different local policing agencies does the coordination of all the activities. One of the major features in local authorities policing is the use of the police department located in different states of the country and cities for that matter. The Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) Police Department is one of such departments spread all over the country. The department, also known as the LAX Police Department has a rich history, which is evident from its long existence. This paper presents a research about the Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) Police Department from an argumentative perspective. Different matters emanating from how the department operates in Los Angeles are discussed based on how a good policing entity operates when serving the public. The major responsibilities of the police are investigation of crime, patrolling, encouraging community participation in policing, and maintaining law and order (Tambe 42). This requires close coordination and cooperation between different policing experts within a department. It is important to note that police departments are run by security agencies who work under the federal government in a concerted manner. This means that investigative, traffic,...
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...2 of 56 Clear Thinking, Critical Thinking, and Clear Writing Students will learn to … 1. Determine acceptable and unacceptable degrees of vagueness in language 2. Understand and identify types of ambiguity 3. Identify the problems generality causes in language 4. Use definitions to increase precision and clarity and to influence attitudes 5. Understand the types of definitions 6. Acquire skills for writing an effective argumentative essay rom August 1987 until January 2007, Alan Greenspan was chairman of the Federal Reserve Board (“the Fed”). Because any remark he made about U.S. monetary policy could cause markets all over the world to fluctuate wildly, he developed a complicated way of speaking that came to be known as “Fedspeak.” Here’s an example: It is a tricky problem to find the particular calibration in timing that would be appropriate to 2/9/2016 12:17 PM 3 of 56 stem the acceleration in risk premiums created by falling incomes without prematurely aborting the decline in the inflation-generated risk premiums.* Greenspan has admitted that such remarks were not really intended to be understood. Asked to give an example by commenting on the weather, Greenspan replied, I would generally expect that today in Washington, D.C., the probability of changes in the weather is highly uncertain. But we are monitoring the data in such a manner that we will be able to update people on changes that are important.* Page 70 2/9/2016 12:17 PM This tells us nothing about the weather...
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...CAT Reading Comprehension CAT Study Materials Reading Comprehension Sample Questions Directions: Each reading passage in this section is followed by questions based on the content of the reading passage. Read the passage carefully and chose the best answer to each question. The questions are to be answered on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage. 1. But man is not destined to vanish. He can be killed, but he cannot be destroyed, because his soul is deathless and his spirit is irrepressible. Therefore, though the situation seems dark in the context of the confrontation between the superpowers, the silver lining is provided by amazing phenomenon that the very nations which have spent incalculable resources and energy for the production of deadly weapons are desperately trying to find out how they might never be used. They threaten each other, intimidate each other and go to the brink, but before the total hour arrives they withdraw from the brink. 2. 1. The main point from the author's view is that A. Man's soul and spirit can not be destroyed by superpowers. B. Man's destiny is not fully clear or visible. C. Man's soul and spirit are immortal. D. Man's safety is assured by the delicate balance of power in E. terms of nuclear weapons. Human society will survive despite the serious threat of total annihilation. Ans : E 2. The phrase 'Go to the brink' in the passage means A. Retreating from extreme danger. B. Declare war on each other. C. Advancing...
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...RESEARCH and WRITING CUSTOM EDITION Taken from: Writing Research Papers: A Complete Guide, Eleventh Edition by James D. Lester and James D. Lester, Jr. To the Point: Reading and Writing Short Arguments by Gilbert H. Muller and Harvey S. Wiener ISBN 0-558-55519-5 Research and Writing, Custom Edition. Published by Pearson Custom Publishing. Copyright © 2006 by Pearson Custom Publishing. Taken from: Writing Research Papers: A Complete Guide, Eleventh Edition by James D. Lester and James D. Lester, Jr. Copyright © 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc. Published by Pearson Longman, Inc. New York, New York 10036 To the Point: Reading and Writing Short Arguments by Gilbert H. Muller and Harvey S. Wiener Copyright © 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc. Published by Pearson Longman, Inc. Copyright © 2006 by Pearson Custom Publishing All rights reserved. Permission in writing must be obtained from the publisher before any part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system. All trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, and registered service marks are the property of their respective owners and are used herein for identification purposes only. Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN 0-536-97722-4 2005240359 AP Please visit our web site at www.pearsoncustom.com ISBN 0-558-55519-5 PEARSON CUSTOM PUBLISHING ...
Words: 70562 - Pages: 283
...speakers pattern of reasoning. Mere disagreement – is both critical and active but is not open to alternative views. You enter with your own established beliefs already in mind. Cooperative enterprise – two people have opposing views; one person sets his beliefs aside and help the other to strengthen his argument. Critical reasoning misconceptions – it’s too rigid or linear, it supposes that there is a right and wrong point of view. Argument – reasons for believing something or acting in a certain way If the author is attempting to state what has happened, or what is the case, or what something is like, he is engaged in descriptive writing, not argumentation If he is trying to prove something by giving reasons, he is engaged in argumentative writing. Diatribe is bitter and violent criticism or invective Examples of diatribe are often found in letters to the editor, in which people tend to give vent to their strong feelings instead of backing up their opinions with arguments. Consider the following (fictitious) letter: The politicians are at it again. An election coming up, and new spending just “happens” to be needed. Name your favourite issue, and you will find money for it—health care, education, social services. And tax cuts too? I don’t trust a single one of them. It is clear that the author of this letter believes that the new money allocated to social programs has more to do with an upcoming election than with real needs of the electorate, but she doesn’t give any...
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...MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCES PROGRAM Arizona State University GENERAL STUDENT INFORMATION MANUAL MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCES PROGRAM Arizona State University PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT FOR THE MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCES PROGRAM The profession which you are entering is dedicated to one major purpose, the welfare of the patient. The laboratory is that part of the health care team which serves the primary function of assisting the physician in the diagnosis and treatment of disease by means of qualitative and quantitative analysis of body fluids and tissues. The responsibility of the laboratory is to provide the physician with reliable laboratory data, always cognizant of the primary concern, the PATIENT. At times, the convenience and private life of each laboratory professional and student must be of secondary concern. The patient's needs continue day and night, weekends and holidays, and must be met by all health care professionals. A career in the Medical Laboratory Sciences demands your time, your sincere efforts and your sympathetic interest in other people. These demands must be met by you in a mature and responsible manner. Your education in the Professional Study Program will be a challenging and rewarding experience. By applying for this program of study you have indicated your sincere desire to become a competent Medical Laboratory Scientist. You have been accepted as a student in the Arizona State University Medical Laboratory Sciences Program because of your qualifications...
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...collaborators Max Englehart, Edward Furst, Walter Hill, and David Krathwohl as A Taxonomy for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment. This taxonomy consists of six major categories: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation. The categories after knowledge (containing subcategories) were presented as "skills and abilities," (manifested by a person’s intellectual abilities as well) with the understanding that knowledge was the necessary precondition for putting these skills and abilities into practice. As revised in 2001, these cognitive skills were rather treated more dynamically by using verbs and gerunds to label their categories and subcategories (rather than the nouns of the original taxonomy as knowledge objectives). These "action words" describe the cognitive processes by which thinkers encounter and work with knowledge. They are (from the lowest thinking skill): Categories & cognitive Processes (their corresponding sub-categories and synonyms) and their definitions and examples. Which are they? The lowest thinking skills begins with rote memory (recall of data). This is followed by a higher thinking skills called comprehension (understanding information); followed by application (applying knowledge to a new situation); analysis (separating information into part...
Words: 18502 - Pages: 75
...Copyright © 2013 by McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. ISBN: 978-0-07-180360-1 MHID: 0-07-180360-2 The material in this eBook also appears in the print version of this title: ISBN: 978-0-07-180359-5, MHID: 0-07180359-9. E-book conversion by Codemantra Version 1.0 All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Rather than put a trademark symbol after every occurrence of a trademarked name, we use names in an editorial fashion only, and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark. Where such designations appear in this book, they have been printed with initial caps. McGraw-Hill Education eBooks are available at special quantity discounts to use as premiums and sales promotions or for use in corporate training programs. To contact a representative please visit the Contact Us page at www.mhprofessional.com. Trademarks: McGraw-Hill Education, the McGraw-Hill Education logo, 5 Steps to a 5 and related trade dress are trademarks or registered trademarks of McGraw-Hill Education and/or its affiliates in the United States and other countries and may not be used without written permission. All other trademarks are the property...
Words: 76988 - Pages: 308
...Solutions for C hapter 7 A udit E vidence: A F r amewor k Review Questions: 7-1. Audit evidence is all the information used by auditors in arriving at the conclusions on which the audit opinion is based. The basic sources of evidence are knowledge of the business and industry, analytical procedures, tests of controls, and direct tests of account balances and transactions. The auditor must decide how much evidence is needed (extent), what kind of evidence is needed (nature), and when to gather the evidence (timing). The assertions form the framework for gathering sufficient, competent audit evidence as required by the professional standards. The assertions tie into generally accepted accounting principles in that those assertions are also embodied in GAAP. The five main assertions are defined as: Existence/occurrence. The assets, liabilities, and equity interests exist and all transactions reflected in the financial statements actually occurred. Completeness. All assets, liabilities, equity interests, and transactions that should have been recorded have been recorded, i.e., nothing is left out of the financial statements. Rights/obligations. The entity holds or controls the legal ownership to assets, and liabilities are legally owed by the entity. Valuation/allocation. Assets, liabilities, and equity interests are included in the financial statements at appropriate amounts and any resulting valuation or allocation adjustments are appropriately recorded. Presentation/disclosure...
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...collected from government sources like the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Veterans Benefit Administration. The conclusions of the analysis are that: (a) The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) is already overwhelmed by the number of patients it currently sees and the addition of these new Veteran’s seeking care will put a severe strain on the resources that are currently available; (b) The Veterans Benefit Association (VBA) is in need of restructuring to be able to handle the influx on claims it is currently experiencing. As it stands now the current wait time is up to 90 days before a Veteran will receive their disability rating and that time can increase with these additional claims; and (c) Providing medical care and disability compensation benefits to the Soldiers returning from the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan can cost anywhere from $400 - $900 billion depending on the type of care required, how quickly they file their claims, and the growth rate of those benefits. The recommendations that need to be considered include: increasing the staff as well as the budget for Veterans Medical Centers especially those that specialize in mental health treatment; restructure the claims process and increase staffing to help speed the process to get Veterans claims to them more expeditiously. Cost/ Benefit Analysis of Providing Medical Care to Soldiers Returning from Iraq and Afghanistan-PTSD and TBI MSA 685 Project Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment...
Words: 5865 - Pages: 24