Premium Essay



Submitted By suguan
Words 2104
Pages 9
Ch. 5. Moore's Law and More: Fast, Cheap Computing, Disruptive Innovation, and What This Moore's Law definition: Chip performance per dollar doubles every eighteen months. Moore’s Law applies to chips—broadly speaking, to processors and chip-based storage. Microprocessor is the brain of a computing device. It’s the part of the computer that executes the instructions of a computer program. For processors, Moore’s Law means that next generation chips should be twice as fast in about eighteen months, but cost the same as today’s models. Random-access memory (RAM ) Fast, chip-based volatile storage in a computing device Flash memory Nonvolatile, chip-based storage Volatile memory: Storage that is wiped clean when power is cut off from a device Nonvolatile memory: Storage that retains data even when powered down. Solid state electronics: Semiconductor-based devices Semiconductors: Substance such as silicon dioxide used inside most computer chips that is capable of enabling and inhibiting the flow of electricity Optical fiber line: High-speed glass or plastic-lined networking cable used in telecommunications 1 Byte = 8 Bits 1 KB = 8,192 Bits 1 kB = 1,024 Bytes 1MB =1024 KB 1GB = 1024 MB 1TB = 1024 GB 1PB = 1024 TB 1EB = 1024 PB 1ZB = 1024 EB Blu-ray disc: 25-50 GB Feature DVD movie: 4-7 GB Digital picture: KB – MB Document: KB Hard drive 500 GB – 2 TB RAM 4-16 GB CPU GHZ Network speed

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