...How to stay healthy In my mind health is pretty important for example health like one even though we have million, house, beauty and lover all of them are zero when you do not have health is one. So let me tell you something to keep health the best ways. The first ,We should eat more greens it is include rice, vegetable, and fruit. And the secondly, do more excise even though we do not have time to go to gym. The last one is we should have a good mood every day no more anger and go ahead to see a doctor on time. The first, We should eat more greens it is include rice, vegetable, and fruit. First of all, we must be eat food on time. And than care of your food .You can eat brown rice twice or thirds one week , It can clean your blood and pretty healthy for your body. Talk about vegetable that we eat. There are some color vegetables very good. When you cook food please more colorful vegetables and less meet. There is very important point is if you want to eat meet please more beef, no more pork. Pork can make you fat quickly. Finally, let us talk about fruit. Time is important for fruit when you wake you did not eat any food please do not eat any fruit. If you want to eat fruit after lunch and dinner, Please wait thirty mines left. In my mind apple is the best fruit , In China have an old idem is "you will never go to hospital if you eat apple everyday" So try to eat an apple every day. This is the first thing to stay health. The secondly, We should do more excise even though...
Words: 575 - Pages: 3
...It is very good to be healthy. Health is a big and many-sided area of human life. I think that among all questions related to the human's body, the health must overcome all other aspects and become the main reference point for finding the answers. But in practice it is not always so, and very often people may harm themselves even knowing that they are doing something wrong. There are some simple advices, which will help you to save your health, and to stay healthy you should follow them. It is important for all of us to stay in good health. At first, remember that the rational nutrition plays here significant role. The every day food is supporting our bodies. Thus, it is very important for health to give for body all it needs with meal. Natural vitamins could be a good solution here. There are a lot of high-quality vitamins in fresh greens, and non-polluted vegetables. So, you should have them in your every day ration. They are useful for adults, as well as for children. If you will not eat any vitamins then your organism will be weak, and you can easily get sick. Second important thing you should do is to go in for sport. It is not necessary must be a kind of professional sport; you just need to spend more time outside and lead an active way of life. That helps in very big degree to keep our body strong and healthy, and mind fresh. When you will not go in sport you can get an obesity that is very bad for the health. Yet another thing that you should better avoid is smoking...
Words: 361 - Pages: 2
...Topic: Science Model of Instruction: Problem-Centered Model One: The Suchman Inquiry Model Grade Level: 2-6 (Multiple Disabilities) Standard: Recognize how to stay healthy Objectives and Assessments (as many as needed; usually no more than three) Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to list 5 methods towards staying healthy. Assessment: Students will be given a worksheet and will have to list 5 methods towards staying healthy. Shown below is how the worksheets will differentiate based on the learner. Level 1 students will be given a picture of a way to stay healthy and a way not to stay healthy. The student will be asked to identify only the ways to stay healthy. The aide will record the answer on the documentation sheet provided by the teacher. The student will complete 10 such problems. Level 2 students will be given a worksheet consisting of 5 ways to stay healthy and 10 ways not to stay healthy. The student will have to circle the 5 ways to stay healthy. Level 3 students will be given a worksheet numbered 1-5 and will have to list 5 ways to stay healthy. Learning Activities - Description: Step 1: Select a problem and conduct research The teacher selected the following problem to present to her class: “How do you keep yourself from getting sick?” If needed, the teacher will complete the necessary research on the situation and prepare a data sheet for quick reference as students are asking questions. Step 2: Introduce...
Words: 1492 - Pages: 6
...Latonya Ballard Com/156 September 7, 2012 Lugene Rosen “What can you say about a person that does want to change their life?’ It can be hard to make life changes; people may be dealing with everyday problems that they need to put effort to. ‘How can people make smart choices while eating right and exercising?’ It is daily activities that can be done to improve the ability to get the body are shape to live a long time. The more a person chose to eat the right nutrients and have vitamins in their body the more they will stay healthy. The average person think if they eat what they chose to eat they will live a long time, but it is up to the person in general to chose what lifestyle they want to live. A person has to get enough physical activities to burn any calories to stay in shape. If a person eat in moderation the weight will come off quick, and then the foods he/she chooses can benefit a heart healthy life. If people eat a well-balance diet and exercising it can help the heart stay stronger. Healthy eating will keep you living longer, and help you stay heart health with a balance diet. People should consider eating healthy and exercising to live longer. Most people in society have busy lives and do not think about eating healthy. It is a convenience for someone to stop and get fast foods; it can clog the arteries in the heart with fat and cholesterol. However, people that eat unhealthy and do not exercise will have a slow metabolism. It will leave the body with no energy...
Words: 1115 - Pages: 5
... Healthy Eating!!! What Is Healthy eating? • You need to eat all food group in order to lead a healthy eating. • Healthy eating means eating a variety of foods that give you the nutrients you need to maintain your health, feel good, and have energy. These nutrients include protein, carbohydrates, fat, water, vitamins, and minerals. • What you eat can affect your immune system, your mood, and your energy level. • when being active it can maintain healthy weight, eating well is an excellent way to help your body stay strong and healthy. • maintain and improve your health, lower your risk with disease, have more energy, look and feel better, lastly it can develop stronger muscles and bones. • gives you energy to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. • Food nourishes the body and gives us energy to get through each day. Benefits Of Healthy Eating • Leading a healthy lifestyle involves exercising and eating the right foods. • Before you eat, you should be aware of the facts regarding foods and also know all their benefits. You should know which food is good for your health. • If we choose a poor combination of foods, we may be missing out on some nutrients. • Our diet provides all of the nutrients and other substances we need to stay healthy. • Benefits of healthy eating are the facts that make us to stay healthy with a good range of body weight. • Healthy eating provides...
Words: 530 - Pages: 3
...“Just do it!” This is what I am constantly being told from my personal trainer when I work out at the YMCA to stay motivated to keep in shape. Fitness and health is the form of a person’s wellbeing by staying healthy and in shape. Eating healthy foods while working out and staying well hydrated is the healthiest way to becoming fit. Fitness and health can be well-defined three different ways such as mentally, physically and socially. First, fitness and health can be defined mentally by being psychologically prepared and being aware that making a change is possible. Having a positive outlook on life can be the difference between success and failure when it comes to change and improvement in one’s lifestyle. Thinking about all the positive things is what really helps while working out and staying healthy. Many people like to think about how great they will feel after they exercise and use it as motivation to keep working. Others also treat themselves to a healthy treat after. It is good idea to set some type of fitness or health goal, whether it is being mentally prepared or be willing to change the negative life style to a positive one. Second, fitness and health can be defined by being physically in shape. Working out is the main factor that will get one’s body to be physically fit. Eating healthy foods help the body with proper amount of nutrients to stay healthy. It is important to consume a decent amount of protein prior to exercising. Protein gives the body the energy...
Words: 618 - Pages: 3
...I. Introduction When eating healthy, it means to give you the variety of foods that have many nutrients to maintain your health, make you feel good about yourself, and also have energy that we all need every day to run on. Nutrition is important worldwide. By eating healthy it helps your body to stay strong and healthy. A healthy life is a happy life. II. The types of food should you be eating when trying to stay healthy. A. Things you should eat when trying to stay healthy.. 1. Fruits is one good way of eating healthy. 2. Vegetables is another good way of eating healthy. B. Things you shouldn’t eat when trying to eat healthy. 1. A lot of salts is bed eating. 2. A lot of fats in your diet isn’t good when trying to eat healthy. III. Some things that can help when eating healthy. A. How healthy eating benefits you. 1. Eating healthy makes you live longer. 2. Eating healthy helps fight diseases. B. How healthy eating affects you. 1. Healthy eating makes you feel better about yourself. 2. Eating healthy gives you energy. IV. Maintaining a healthy weight. A. Balancing your food choices over time for healthy eating. 1. Select foods that are low in ingredients when eating healthy. 2. When missing out on one food group one day make up for it the next day. B. Knowing your diet pitfalls. 1. Write down everything you eat for a few days. 2. Check your list of what you ate that...
Words: 294 - Pages: 2
...What is your thesis statement? Healthy eating is important for everyone. Eating a variety of foods gives you the nutrients needed to maintain your health, feel good, and have energy. I. Introduction When eating healthy, it means to give you the variety of foods that have many nutrients to maintain your health, make you feel good about yourself, and also have energy that we all need every day to run on. Nutrition is important worldwide. By eating healthy it helps your body to stay strong and healthy. A healthy life is a happy life. II. The types of food should you be eating when trying to stay healthy. A. Things you should eat when trying to stay healthy.. 1. Fruits is one good way of eating healthy. 2. Vegetables is another good way of eating healthy. B. Things you shouldn’t eat when trying to eat healthy. 1. A lot of salts is bed eating. 2. A lot of fats in your diet isn’t good when trying to eat healthy. III. Some things that can help when eating healthy. A. How healthy eating benefits you. 1. Eating healthy makes you live longer. 2. Eating healthy helps fight diseases. B. How healthy eating affects you. 1. Healthy eating makes you feel better about yourself. 2. Eating healthy gives you energy. IV. Maintaining a healthy weight. A. Balancing your food choices over time for healthy eating. 1. Select foods that are low in ingredients when eating healthy. 2. When missing out...
Words: 435 - Pages: 2
...As of right now eating healthy is part of my physical health. Since I am currently over eight months pregnant I am focusing on eating healthy and once the baby is born I will focus on exercise to better my physical health. Social health: Being open and honest with my family and friends is a way I work with my social health. This is a healthy way to keep and form relationships with them and new people I come into contact with. Intellectual health: During my scheduled class time I have made for myself I am working my brain to use my intellectual health. I sometimes have to critically think and dig deep into my thoughts to bring out information to help educate others as they do the same for me. Environmental health: Living in the state of New York recycling is the law so by doing so I am keeping my environmental health stable as well as helping the Earth to stay healthy. Emotional health: Sometimes my pregnancy hormones try to get the best of me, so I must learn to stay calm and convey them in a more appropriate way. Talking about things is a way to get things off my chest and relieve stress in a healthy way. Spiritual health: Being true to what I believe is a way I stay spiritually healthy. It allows me to stay at peace with myself throughout the day. Part 2 In approximately 125 to 200 words, describe health and wellness in your own words using the ideas and concepts for each of the six dimensions of health. Being healthy and having overall wellness...
Words: 524 - Pages: 3
...Each situation is different, whether or not a parent is healthy determines on the factors involved. Jessica O'Connor COM/155 May 26, 2013 Peter Conrad In regard, to the decision of what is in the best interest of the children parents need to examine if they are truly healthy and happy with the choice they made to either return to work after the child (ren) have been born or whether working part time can provide the satisfaction needed or if staying at home is the best choice in the end. Examining the social, mental, physical and other aspects of health to determine if parents are really healthy after the decision has been made. Parents also assess the decisions associated with the cost and welfare of the children involved and how those issues play in the role of their health. Another aspect parents face is the choice of who will stay home with the children, can parents maintain a healthy and happy lifestyle with only one income. Evaluating the situation of whether or not to put the child in day care or perhaps with a family member can bring unhealthy distress upon the parents involved, even more so when they don’t have family nearby. Those who have children and choose to be more involved rather than returning to work, do not always notice their unhealthy lifestyle and the risks involved. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle 100% of the time will benefit the family as a whole, no matter what the job description is. The decision that parents make is a personal one and one...
Words: 1404 - Pages: 6
...In this i am going to tell you three ways to stay healthy during fall. Make sure you don’t go in in out of cold weather. If you go out in the cold weather and then back in the warmth multiple time it can make you get an cold. If you go to the doctors with an cold he/she will more than likely ask how much you have went in and out in the cold and warmth each day before you have got the cold. I would just suggest to just stay inside as much as possible that away you do not take the chance of getting a sore throat and an cough. Second way you can keep healthy is eat healthy. Eat your fruits and vegetables and get exercise. I know what you are thinking how do I get exercise when it’s cold outside, you could go to the gym. Don’t discourage yourself...
Words: 386 - Pages: 2
...right ways to eat and exercise. Parent/caregivers need to support the children in their life to live a healthy life to avoid obesity in children. In today’s society it is easier for kids to sit around playing video games and snacking than playing outside and having healthy meals. “Childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions in developed countries. “In the United States, the prevalence of overweight for children increased by 182% between 1971–74 and 1999–2000.” (Foley. p.1) Children have a better chance at living a healthy life style and preventing obesity when they are taught how to eat healthy, exercise and gain knowledge of a healthy life style. Teaching children how to eat healthy is a big part in helping children stay away from obesity. People only know what we are taught and that is the same for children. If a child is never thought what to eat and how different foods are good for you they will never know. It is easier for kids to snack and parents think just because it bad for them, at least they are eating. Children need to beat taught what foods will help them become strong and help their bones gone strong. Besides teaching them what is good to, they need to learn how to eat. For example they need to eat three healthy meals daily with two snacks a day. Children need to learn at a younger age about eating healthy, when to eat and portion sizes will help them stay on track as they get older. Exercising is very important for children to know about at a young age...
Words: 683 - Pages: 3
...Should One Be Healthy? Imagine trying to walk up stairs and not being able to because you cannot breathe and your heart feels like it is going to jump out of your chest. If this happens then these are some signs that you are not healthy. It is important to be healthy and change one’s lifestyle to be healthy if they are not doing so. This paper will discuss the importance of being healthy, fit, doing exercise, and the importance of dedication. First it is very important to watch what one eats and be conscientious about what one puts in their body. It is important to manage what one eats, how much one eats, and portion sizes. Portion size is what seems to get more people in trouble. One can even eat too much of the right foods without realizing it. According to the Food Standards Agency, a healthy diet for most people consist of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and low fat. One should try limiting foods that are high in fat, sugar, sodium, and cholesterol. Have you ever heard the phrase "use it or lose it?” Another important step to keeping fit and healthy is to exercise. If one does not use their body and keep muscles fit they lose muscle mass and gain mass from fat. Muscles can become toneless and fragile when they are not used and conditioned. Muscles are used to breathe and the heart is a muscle. When we stay fit and healthy our lungs, heart, and other organs also stay fit and healthy. When one is not fit and healthy lungs and hearts...
Words: 786 - Pages: 4
...Eating healthy and exercising should be a part of every person’s day to day routine. Having a healthy eating diet and exercising daily is the main importance and ensures you of living a healthy and long life. Adapting to both can things can make a dramatic difference in how you look and feel. It can also prevent many things such as being obese, which is the most common thing that happens when you eat unhealthy every day and not getting exercising. The rate obesity is getting higher and higher every day. Even if you are a small person in general, you may not think you need to eat healthy and exercise, but it is the best way to keep your body fit and healthy at the same time. It is also very important to maintain a healthy diet. Even with proper exercise, an unhealthy diet can cause all the hard work and effort you are putting into your routine to go to waste. Eat and try different types of fruits, vegetables, meats, and a lot of protein. Try and eat a variety of food, but stay away from the sweets as best as you can. You must maintain a healthy balance of food and drink. You should at least drink 8 glasses of water each day. Make sure to eat at least 3 meals a day. If you do not do this, you may find yourself snacking on junk food in-between meals, which neglects the point of the diet in the first place. By eating more you will be eating less junk food throughout the day. You have to play against your mind and take every advantage you can to stay away from fattening...
Words: 1284 - Pages: 6
...Should One Be Healthy? Imagine trying to walk up stairs and not being able to because you cannot breathe and your heart feels like it is going to jump out of your chest. If this happens then these are some signs that you are not healthy. It is important to be healthy and change one’s lifestyle to be healthy if they are not doing so. This paper will discuss the importance of being healthy, fit, doing exercise, and the importance of dedication. First it is very important to watch what one eats and be conscientious about what one puts in their body. It is important to manage what one eats, how much one eats, and portion sizes. Portion size is what seems to get more people in trouble. One can even eat too much of the right foods without realizing it. According to the Food Standards Agency, a healthy diet for most people consist of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and low fat. One should try limiting foods that are high in fat, sugar, sodium, and cholesterol. Have you ever heard the phrase "use it or lose it?” Another important step to keeping fit and healthy is to exercise. If one does not use their body and keep muscles fit they lose muscle mass and gain mass from fat. Muscles can become toneless and fragile when they are not used and conditioned. Muscles are used to breathe and the heart is a muscle. When we stay fit and healthy our lungs, heart, and other organs also stay fit and healthy. When one is not fit and healthy lungs and hearts...
Words: 777 - Pages: 4