...AMADEUS SELLING PLATFORM (AMADEUS VISTA): Amadeus Selling Platform (Vista) offers you a graphical interface to the Amadeus system making it easier for you to sell travel, increase your productivity and focus on delivering great customer service. Designed using the latest web technology, the intuitive graphical interface enables both new and expert users to make the most out of the Amadeus system. Amadeus Vista has been recently renamed Amadeus Selling Platform. All users of version 2.3P200 upwards will see the new name Amadeus Selling Platform in the user interface. INITIATES AMADEUS SELLING PLATFORM: Click on default icon on your desktop to browse Amadeus Selling plat form. If home page set by for Amadeus Selling platform, it will open automatically. You can type at address bar amadeusvista.com To launch your current version of Amadeus Selling Platform (Vista), just click on the left side on LAUNCH AMADEUS SELLING PLATFORM System initiates Amadeus selling platform application System Response: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _ Amadeus Qatar W.L .L -1- Amadeus Reservation & Ticketing System Response SIGN-IN IN GRAPHIC MODE: To sign in to Amadeus, you use a unique code or sign. Your sign created for you by your local security administrator who can grant attributes to your sign that control the functions you allowed to use and the level of security you permitted to have. The security...
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