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Dump Your Boyfriend Analysis

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Dang Important
As a now sophomore in high school, I've been given the task to inform incoming Junior High school students on some basic tips for success in their new school. The exercise the class started with was to annotate the New York Times article Ditch Your Laptop, Dump Your Boyfriend written by Tim Novikoff, Willie Lin, and five others. The article was focused towards incoming college freshmen, though I believe some of it could be useful for those around my age. For example, Novikoff's passage was concerned with trying new things and learning who you are. High school and Middle school students are also at a great period in their life to explore. Explore new classes, hobbies, friends, and more. Maybe even explore the idea of having those …show more content…
This year, someone I've known since elementary (Ryan) who I never thought of as a friend invited me to a weekly game night down the street from my house. I figured I'd go once: better than watching TV on a Friday night, plus he's a year older than me so I didn't think I'd fit in with the group. I was wrong. A fair amount of my friends in school are a year older than me because in sixth grade I went to West for the morning to take seventh-grade math and life science. That first night we played Monopoly, best game of Monopoly I've played in my life. Last week we started with poker, though Ryan brought a Pinochle deck and none of us had realized it at first, I got a royal flush on my first hand and then a five-of-a-kind of kings. If you don't know what Pinochle is, it's a card game where the deck has two of each: 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace of each suit. We raved about that slip up the whole night, until about 11 or so. After ‘poker', we played …show more content…
Hard for me at least. I tend to not participate much in class. I still do my work, but when I don't understand something it's fairly likely I don't ask questions and I normally try not to talk during class discussions if possible. And that's not because I have nothing to say either, I remember in eighth grade when we were doing a Socratic seminar about the axis and allies of World War Two. My group was assigned to Hungary and I had taken good notes which were in front of me, and even had some pretty good responses to what the other "countries" were saying. When it was my turn to talk, I said maybe three sentences explaining why Hungary was not at fault for the war and why it was all Britain's fault. I'm pretty certain everyone else explained their case in about three paragraphs, but I got my point across and got a low B. If I had been more confident in my notes and in myself, I likely would've gotten a better grade. Not completely sure, but I think my group was the only one to not blame Germany. I used statistics and technical facts to persuade my group. One of the people anyways, one didn't care, and the other thought it'd just be funny to blame Britain. However, I full-heartedly believed that we should've accused Germany. It was the people in Britain's group though that put them in my crosshairs. The most annoying kid in class, two people I really didn't know, and the girl I had a

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