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Dunkin Donuts : Betting Dollars on Donuts


Submitted By sahiba
Words 543
Pages 3
Dunkin Donuts Marketing Strategy:
As a result of its social media strategy which is aimed at growing and maintaining a highly engaged global community of Dunkin Donuts. Dunkin Donuts is always evaluating new social media platforms where we can engage with our fans and celebrate how they are running on Dunkin. They are recently ventured into various mobile and location-based promotions, and they will continue to be an important part of our social media efforts in the future. It is important that their team continuously develop mobile programs to allow our guests to connect with the brand even more. These programs like our foursquare application are very exciting as they not only drive traffic to their restaurants, but they also encourage the guests to engage with the brand while actually inside a Dunkin Donuts restaurant. In the past they are conducted multiple highly engaging mobile and location-based social media programs via outlets such as Facebook and Foursquare.

Our research from this study while Dunkin Donuts has a moderate consumer base it has far behind large competitions like Starbucks. Therefore if Dunkin Donuts become more convenient for customers, we believe Dunkin Donuts can attract more customers that usually purchase coffee at Starbucks. Also we can attract city convenience customers who purchased coffee based on specialty beverage option by offering unique specialty beverage option at Dunkin Donuts. By continuing to provide coupon promotions Dunkin Donuts can also retain its current customers.

Q 2: In what ways is Dunkin Donuts presently using Strategic alliances and how could cooperative strategies further assist with its master plan for growth?
Ans: Dunkin Donuts is trying to grow in all directions reaching more customers in more places with more products. Dunkin Donuts often partners with a select group of retailers

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