Premium Essay

Duronio Alvarez Case

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Pages 4
What “red flags” might have indicated that Duronio was a disgruntled employee? Would any of those red flags also indicate that he would sabotage the network for revenge?

Most often in any business organization, it would be difficult for anyone to see any “red flags” or signals that a employee may employ an malicious actions until after the event has occurred. Although after the malicious code was embedded into the company’s infrastructure and crippled its servers, looking over employee actions and behavior in any case would be the first step in the investigation. Duronio had expressed behaviors that would flag any investigator with the biggest one being that a computer forensics expert testified that “ Duronio’s password and user account …show more content…
For example, in a bank, two people must turn a key or enter a code simultaneously to open the bank vault. Nuclear weapons under military control are another example of a dual control system. Two keys must be inserted and turned to arm the weapon. In a office environment, in order to access a company infrastructure this method could be implemented in order to guard against any attacks or …show more content…
I do not disagree that this could be a plausible way of how the code was planted. However, with the red flags that were discussed in previous questions as well as Duronio’s credentials being used on the date in question and in the area of focus.
5. Given the breadth of known vulnerabilities, what sort of impact will any set of security standards have on the rise in cyberattacks.
Every EC business knows that threats, phishing scams, data breaches, and viruses will never end. For any EC to succeed, it needs to be secured. However, these attacks are constantly evolving into different forms that make it harder to keep up on in order to keep themselves protected. Developing a defense mechanism and a disaster recovery needs to be shared throughout the entire organization as well as require training. Cyber criminals and cyber crimes are becoming more advanced and companies typically do not put enough funding into continuously upgrading their security. In any security standards to aide in securing the organization, possible areas to consider using more of its resources on authentication, remote access and VPNS, password policies, and any other areas that would put up a defense should the organization undergo a cyber

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