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E. Cummings The Enormous Room

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Have you ever been trapped in an enormous room? The story The Enormous Room is about Cummings’s experiences being trapped in a camp in World War I. The story exposes some of the horrors of World War I. This story shows symbolism in the title itself, sets a theme or mood of horror or tragedy because of the camp he was imprisoned in, and addresses the issues related to war.

Cummings was born on October 14, 1894 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He died on September 3, 1962 at the age of 67. He decided early in his life that he wanted to become a poet. He later graduated from Harvard. He was drafted into. He wrote the story The Enormous Room. He/ was known for his poems and plays. He wrote over 2900 poems, two autobiographical novels, four plays, …show more content…
The camp was called La Ferté-Macé. He and others were there for three and a half months. He used this experience as his basis for writing The Enormous Room. The title is referring to his mind and everything in it as well as the camp he was in when he was imprisoned.

The Enormous Room by E. E. Cummings is a story about war. It is an autobiographical novel. It was published in 1922. The story details Cummings’s experiences when trapped in the camp in World War I. It tells about the tragedies and horrors of the war. Cummings tells a lot about it throughout the story. He spent almost 4 months in the camp he was sent to.

The title of the book talks about the large room where Cummings slept beside thirty or more other prisoners. It also serves as an alternative to Cummings' mind and his memories of the prison; so much so that when he describes the different residents of the cell he was in, they all still live in the "enormous room" that is his mind.

The actual room itself measured 80 feet by 40 feet. He first appears in the story as a rebellious American soldier. He first served as an ambulance driver in the war. He was arrested along with his friend, William Slater Brown, in August of 1917. They were arrested because of William. Cummings stood by his friend when questioned and was arrested as

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