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EOF Program Analysis

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The EOF program prepared for college by teaching me social skills, valuable writing skills, and whether I wanted to live on campus or not. In EOF, I learned how to be more social. In high school, and even before in elementary school, it is easy to make friends. Mostly my friendships were developed by being placed in similar classes and familiarity. However, in college that is not the case; I quickly learned that making friends in college is completely random. Friendships are created by strange chance happenings. The EOF program helped me to approach people first and not to wait. The close friends I have in this program are not in my classes and began simply with a game of UNO. I plan on keeping my EOF friends close to me, but I learned the …show more content…
In high school, we were taught MLA format, how to construct a thesis statement and to be able to write a paper, but I never truly went in depth with grammar or sentence structure. In high school, my writing never improved; it was always the same. In the EOF, I learned way beyond anything I have been taught before. I finally learned how to properly use semicolons and commas which is one topic that I have always struggled with. Additionally, I learned proper sentence structure and what passive voice was. This new skill will greatly help me, not only during the fall semester, but for the rest of my life. I will be able to successfully write papers for all kinds of classes that I will. To keep my skills intact, I plan on never losing sight on The Little Seagull Handbook; I believe that the book is extremely helpful. I know that I will continue to write for years to come, and the EOF program helped me to set a wonderful basic on that …show more content…
From as long as I can remember, I did not want to live on campus; I was never truly interested in the idea of it. During the EOF program, I was forced to live on campus. I thought that maybe I would give it a chance to see if I did like it, but I turned out to be right in my initial thoughts. I do not like living on campus; my roommate avoids me and the showering situation is terrible. I would much rather be at home. Once I made my final decision to be a commuter student, the EOF program taught me what I should expect in commuting. I learned that there are parking issues and I would miss out on some of the ‘college experience’. I understand that commuting may be a little troublesome at times, but I am prepared to make the best out of it. I plan on scheduling my classes as close as possible; preferably Mondays and Wednesdays. Additionally, I am going to schedule my time to have enough time to successfully park by leaving my house an hour before class starts. The advisors told us that if we have difficulty parking to park in a farther lot and simply take a shuttle to the campus

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