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Heritage Fair Reflection

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Heritage Fair Reflection The Historical Inquiry Process is a model which outlines the steps needed to be successful when creating a project. It incorporates formulating questions, gathering and organizing information, interpreting and analyzing evidence, evaluating and drawing conclusions, and communicating. I implemented these steps in order to succeed in my assignment. The stage that I found the most challenging was the “Communicate” stage. According to the Business dictionary, communication is the “process of reaching mutual understanding, in which participants not only exchange information, but also create and share meaning.” This was difficult because of the broad topic which I …show more content…
My findings exemplified the thinking tool “Historical Significance” because it was necessary to determine the historical events which truly capture the essence of what it means to be a Canadian. This particular concept was critical in helping me answer my essential question because Canada’s history spans 150 years (1867-2017). Those 150 years are filled with periods of turmoil, change, anguish, and victories. It was necessary to determine which events are the most important and which comprise Canadianism the most. In conjunction, I implemented Rob Phillips’ Model as I applied this concept throughout my assignment. For instance, when debating whether to use WW2 as one of the historical events I would discuss, I consulted the Philip’s model and I examined profundity and quantity. Many people were affected deeply by this event (e.g., the Japanese people who were placed in internment camps were subject to severe mental, physical, and emotional abuse. Many individuals were killed as well-11 million “undesirables”). This event satisfied two components of the Phillip’s model so I decided to integrate it into my project. The second most prevalent historical thinking concept in my work is Continuity and Change. Continuity and Change is a concept which requires students to assess what has stayed the same and what changed over a period of time. My findings embodied this element as I was drawing connections between previous events in history to modern Canadian society. For example, I explored residential schools to portray the various blemishes on Canada’s human rights record, and to depict cases in the past where fundamental humanitarian ideals were not recognized. I compared this to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms which protects all Canadians from government abuses. It also outlines that every individual in Canada is equal under the

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