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The Role Of Standardized Testing In The K-12 Education System

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Description In the K-12 education system, standardized testing is required to give feedback to the contributors of how well students perceive information from the instructors. Administrators are held accountable for the results of the test scores which can result in penalty actions if scores decrease. This result into ludacris activity such as educators changing student answers. This has also touched bases with resegregation being born due to discrimination occurring with students of color not receiving the same educational opportunities as Whites and Asians due to neighborhood segregated communities.

Hicks 3
Closing the Opportunity Gap : How Common Standards and Standardized Testing Widen the Opportunity Gap In chapter 8 of “Closing the Opportunity Gap”, there’s the subtitle “How Common Standards and Standardized Testing Widen the Opportunity Gap” that is used for one of the scholarly sources. The …show more content…
Tienken and Yong Zhao reasoning behind organizing this point was to make an argument that the method of standardized testing comes along with a corrupting influence (financial gain). Even programs such as the NCLB (No Child Left Behind) who are now considered an example of deprivation waives schemes to hold schools responsible of improving students learning to reach the goal of disadvantaged students closing the “achievement gap” which is a observed calculation of educational bases of students . A possible goal in conducting this study in the first place could be to make this matter widely known as a severe social problem who is hurting the youth yet keeping the pockets full to the contributors of standardized testing. This can link to the intended audience as well due to informing

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