Florida Department of Law Enforcement 2011
Table of Contents
Introduction.............................................................................................................. 1 File.............................................................................................................................2 Edit............................................................................................................................3 Setting Preferences ...................................................................................................4 Fonts .........................................................................................................................5 Message Filters .........................................................................................................6 Forms ....................................................................................................................... 8 Window .....................................................................................................................9 Help.........................................................................................................................10 Form Features......................................................................................................... 11 Today Window ........................................................................................................ 17 Example of Open Form With…............................................................................... 19 Printing Message Responses ................................................................................. 20 Example of Create Report....................................................................................... 21 SMART Keys .......................................................................................................... 22 SMART Keys as prefilled forms............................................................................. 22 SMART Keys as shortcuts without opening the message key Form......................25 Editing SMART Keys ..............................................................................................27 Deleting SMART Keys ........................................................................................... 28 Keyboard and Software Features .......................................................................... 29 Shortcuts ................................................................................................................ 30 Frequently Used Message Keys .............................................................................. 31 Out-Of-State Queries ..............................................................................................32 FCIC/NCIC Test Records .......................................................................................33
Introduction eAgent is a browser-based application that allows CJIS certified users to query, enter, modify, locate, clear and cancel records that are in the Florida Crime Information Center (FCIC) and National Crime Information Center (NCIC) systems. This application is furnished and maintained by FDLE; however, agencies may utilize their own internal applications. The eAgent software application contains a help menu. The help menu does not discuss specific types of queries (which are referred to as “message keys”), but it will guide the user through the application. The most frequently used message keys will be discussed in this manual. For further information regarding message keys, the user may contact the Terminal Agency Coordinator of his/her agency or their FDLE Regional Information Delivery Team member. The eAgent software is a user friendly software application that allows the user to customize their workspace and create shortcuts to commonly used message keys. In order for the eAgent software to automatically update, users must exit out of the software and log back in for the new files to be installed. At a minimum a user must log off when leaving the terminal and it is recommended that users exit the eAgent software at the end of their shift. When the next user opens and logs into the software, any software updates will automatically install.
eAgent Application User Manual
Log On allows a user to log into eAgent. Search Archive allows the user to search the message logs contained on that device’s hard drive. Save Workspace saves all message keys the user has opened within the workspace so the next time that user logs on, the saved message keys will open automatically and in the same location on the workspace where they were previously saved. Reset Workspace removes all settings that were previously saved, while returning the user’s workspace to the default settings. Change Password allows the user to change their password at any time. FCIC forces a password change every 90 days. However, the user can reset their password at any time. The password must be at least eight characters in length and contain at least one capitalized letter or at least one number. Auto Print allows the user to set the device to either print upon their command or print incoming messages automatically to the selected printer. Log Off logs the user out but allows the software to remain active so that incoming messages can still be viewed in the streamer and today windows. No forms (message keys) are accessible until a user logs in. Exit closes the software completely.
eAgent Application User Manual
Cut, Copy and Paste can be used within the software. The user can also access these commands by right clicking the mouse button after highlighting the text within a form, the today window or streamer window. Clear Streamer clears out the stored transactions in the streamer window only. Clear Today clears out the stored transactions in the today window. Options allow the user to personalize the software. (See next page). Find allows the user to search for a word or number sequence within a received message in the today window. The user may also activate the find function by right clicking within the today message window or by pressing Ctrl-F on the keyboard.
eAgent Application User Manual
Setting Preferences
Preferences allow the user to customize settings in the eAgent software:
Use Combo Boxes instead of drop down lists. Close Form on Submit closes the active message key window after submitting the form. Minimize Form on Submit minimizes the active message key window after submitting the form. Auto Tab enables the cursor to automatically move to the next field once the current field requirements have been met. Enable Smart Keys allows the agency TAC to create short cuts to commonly used message keys. Smart Keys are keyboard short cuts that allow the user to select a message key and query information without having to open a form. A Smart Key box opens, allowing the user to type the message key shortcut along with the information being queried. Control Field Text allows the user to insert the user name or ID number on all outgoing transactions for tracking purposes. Alert Sound lets the user customize the wave (.wav) file sound on incoming alerts. Message Sound lets the user customize the wave (.wav) file on incoming messages.
eAgent Application User Manual
The Fonts tab allows the user to change the fonts within various portions of the eAgent software. By clicking on the drop down box, the user will be provided with a list of options.
The Form Font, Today Window Font, Streamer Window Font, Printer Font and Smart Keys Font options allow the user to change the fonts within that portion of the eAgent application. Highlight the option and then select the preferred font and font size.
eAgent Application User Manual
Message Filters
Message filters allow the user to color code incoming messages that have been marked by FDLE as an unsolicited message from Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) hits the FBI receives on NCIC person entries. The IAFIS entries are automatically compared to the NCIC person files. If there is a possible match, the NCIC will send an unsolicited message to the agency that entered the person record. Many agencies receive unsolicited messages regarding name-based matches from fingerprint comparisons. To help process these records eAgent allows the agency to select the “Color Coding” option in the message filter tab. This will highlight these unsolicited messages in a shade of gray in the today window. Selecting “Play Sound” will cause a sound to play when these unsolicited messages are received.
eAgent Application User Manual
By clicking Manage Favorites, the user can set up message keys to be opened with a designated keystroke. First select the keystroke to save as the message key. Then, from the drop down box, scroll through the list of message keys to find the one to be assigned to that key. This saves the selected message key to that keystroke, so when Ctrl-Keystroke is typed, that saved message key will open.
To remove a favorite once it has been saved, while in the manage favorites screen, highlight the message key to be changed and then scroll to the top of the drop down list to the blank space. It is located just above Banner. The Smart Keys option allows Terminal Agency Coordinators to create smart keys for their agency’s users. This function is explained later in this manual.
eAgent Application User Manual
When creating user accounts in eAgent, the agency TAC designates users as full or limited access. Full access users will see all forms and message keys available in the software. Limited access users will only see the query forms and message keys. Pressing Ctrl-K on the keyboard will open up a shortcut list of all message keys available to that user. The user can immediately type the message key and press “Enter” or double-click the highlighted message key to open. The filter field can be used to search all available message keys by name or description.
eAgent Application User Manual
The Banner Window appears with an alert sound when forced messages come from FDLE (i.e., Amber Alerts, Domestic Security Alerts, Silver Alerts, LEO Alerts, etc.) The Streamer Window is the message viewer of all incoming messages. The Today Window is the message log of all outgoing and incoming transactions. These messages will remain on the Today screen for twenty-four hours (12:00 am to 12:00 am) or until you clear the Today Window. Images can only be viewed in the today window. Additionally, the XML rap sheet can only be accessed through the today window. For more information on the XML rap sheet, view the Computerized Criminal History manual available on the CJNet. Saved message keys can also be accessed from the window menu option at the top of the screen. The user can decide if they would like both the streamer and today windows maximized, or if just the today or streamer window open is sufficient to run transactions. The eAgent software allows this customization so the user can set up the workspace to fit their needs.
eAgent Application User Manual
eAgent Help provides software help for users. eAgent Home takes the user to the eAgent home page on CJNet. This homepage has the eAgent User’s Guide, as well as the link for TACs to manage their agency’s users. eAgent Support provides the phone number of the FDLE Customer Support Center Help Desk (800) 292-3242. About eAgent provides eAgent product information. Release Notes provides current and previous updates that have been made to the eAgent application. Software License provides the eAgent software license agreement. Who Am I provides device information necessary to troubleshoot connectivity issues with the FDLE Customer Support Center (i.e., mnemonic, ORI, etc.).
eAgent Application User Manual
Form Features
When entering information in certain fields (SSN, dates, ORI, mnemonic, etc.), eAgent recognizes how many and the type of characters that are required to satisfy the field. The type will be red until the required number of characters in the field has been satisfied.
When completing message key forms that contain long lists, while the cursor is within the provided list, the user can type the first letter of the word being searched for The user may also place the cursor in the Filter field, and search for a specific model, charge, etc. In the below example, CAM was typed to filter the vehicle make option for Camaro.
eAgent Application User Manual
By adding a colon after the letters CAM, the list is sorted by the actual model code.
Another form feature of eAgent shows the number of characters a field will accept. By hovering the cursor in the field box, the number of allowed characters for that field will appear.
eAgent Application User Manual
Assistance on the type of information and/or characters to enter into a field is achieved by placing the cursor in a field, right clicking the mouse, and selecting field help or by pressing the F1 key.
The Today Window may also provide a “button” to either forward a response message to another terminal, or to map an address within a response. The below example is a query on a Florida driver license using the FDQ message key. Get Map provides a map of the address listed on the DL. “Forward with FAM” and “Forward with AM” allows the user to forward the response to another terminal.
eAgent Application User Manual
Below is an example of the Google map provided when the “Get Map” button is selected.
By clicking on the “Forward with FAM” button, the message key response is entered in the miscellaneous field of the FAM. The user can either enter the mnemonic of the agency the FAM is being sent to, or the user can select groups of devices or counties, just like a regular FAM. The user must also select the subject of the FAM by choosing from the available options in the “Subject” drop down list.
eAgent Application User Manual
By clicking on the “Forward with AM” button, the below screen appears. The user can either enter the ORI of the agency to the AM message is being sent to, or they can choose to send the message to groups of states or devices, just like a regular AM.
When a Florida registration is queried in eAgent, the response provides a link to request a query of the Florida driver license of the vehicle owner. By clicking on the “Send FDQ by OLN” button, the DL number received in the response is queried.
eAgent Application User Manual
When a person record is entered in eAgent and the response is viewed in the today window, the user will see the following buttons at the top of the today window. These buttons allow for additional transactions of the entry.
Clicking “Forward with FAM” opens the Florida Administrative Message (FAM) message key with the hit information prefilled in the miscellaneous field. Clicking “Forward with AM” opens the Administrative Message (AM) message key with the hit information prefilled in the miscellaneous field. Clicking “Enter Supplemental” opens the supplemental message key for the record type with the NIC and first and last name of the subject prefilled in. Clicking “Query” opens the Query Wanted (QW) message key with the NIC number prefilled in. Clicking “Modify” opens the modify message key for the record type with the NIC and first and last name of the subject prefilled in. Clicking “Clear” opens the clear message key for the record type with the NIC and first and last name of the subject prefilled in. Clicking “Cancel” opens the cancel message key for the record type with the NIC and first and last name of the subject prefilled in.
eAgent Application User Manual
Today Window
Outgoing messages contain the month, time and message key type, but there is no message number to the right of the message key. Incoming messages contain the month, time and message key as well as a message number. Some incoming messages may be in separate segments. For example, when running a criminal history, the responses from Nlets and III may come in separate messages, so be sure to verify all of the incoming responses.
eAgent Application User Manual
Incoming messages can be viewed in the today window or as a report. To view as a report, right click on the incoming message (the message with the message number to the right of it) and select “Create Report”. The message can also be sent to the printer, if the auto print feature is not selected. By selecting “Open Form”, the user is able to open the original requested message key, but it has to be the outgoing message (without the message number). By selecting the “Open Form With…”, the user is able to open a different message key with similar fields and insert the information from one message key to another, but it has to be the outgoing message (without the message number).
eAgent Application User Manual
Example of Open Form With…
Select the outgoing message key to send to another message key (without the message number). Right click and select “Open Form With…”. Either scroll through list or place cursor in the filter field and type in the message key to be opened with the existing information. Press enter and the new message key will open with the applicable information from the original form.
eAgent Application User Manual
Printing Message Responses
Options for printing message responses include: Scroll through the streamer window, highlight the text to be printed, then right click and select “Print Highlights”. Go to the today window and locate the incoming message to be printed. Right click and select “Create Report” (opens new window). Print and then close the new window. Go to the today window and locate the incoming message to be printed. Right click and select “Print”. The user can print multiple sequential messages from the today window by holding the Shift Key and left clicking on each message to be printed. Right click and select “Print”. The user can print multiple assorted messages from the today window by holding the Ctrl Key and left clicking on each message to be printed. Right click and select “Print”. Since images are only presented in the today window, not the streamer window, print images from the today window by using the “Create Report” function.
eAgent Application User Manual
Example of Create Report
By right clicking on the incoming message within the today window and selecting “Create Report”, a new window will open with the response in report form. This report can be printed by clicking on the printer icon. After viewing or printing the report, the window can be closed, and the user will be returned to eAgent.
eAgent Application User Manual
SMART keys allow a TAC to set up short cuts for transactions. There are two types of SMART key set ups. The first is creating a form with prefilled information that frequently is sent with that message type. The second is creating SMART keys that allow the user to conduct commonly used queries without opening up the message key form.
SMART Keys as prefilled forms
To set up a SMART key prefilled form, start by clicking on favorites on the menu bar.
Click on “Add SMART Keys”. You will see a list of all message keys in a pick list box. You can either scroll through the message keys and double click on the message key you want, or you can type in the message key using the filter.
eAgent Application User Manual
In this example, the FAM message key is going to be used.
Instructions-by clicking on this button, the eAgent release notes and help file information on the SMART keys is displayed. SMART Key Form Action-by clicking on “Send Message”, a SMART Key shortcut window is used to send message keys using shortcut key strokes. By clicking on “Open Form”, the SMART Key creates a form that is prefilled with commonly entered information for that message key. Key Combination-this is where keystroke assignment are created for the SMART Key short cuts. Description-this allows you to create a description of the SMART Key you have created. The remainder of the message key can be prefilled in with commonly used data. In the example, a SMART Key form for sending FAMs to REGION07 will be created. By pressing Alt-F on the keyboard, the user will get the FAM message key form to open with REGION07 prefilled in the mnemonic field.
eAgent Application User Manual
To open the newly created SMART Key form, the cursor is placed in the SMART Key window and Alt-F is typed on the keyboard.
The form opens with REGION07 already populated in the Mnemonic field.
If the SMART Key window is not showing within the eAgent software, as TAC you will have to enable the SMART Key function on the terminal. Click on edit from the menu bar, and then click on options. Click the preferences tab and check the box next to Enable SMART Keys. Click apply. You will have to log off of eAgent and log back on to see the SMART Key window.
eAgent Application User Manual
SMART Keys as shortcuts without opening the message key Form
To create a SMART Key that allows you to make a query without opening the message key form, from the menu bar go to favorites and then select “Add SMART Keys”.
Type in the message to be set as a SMART Key shortcut.
eAgent Application User Manual
For this example, the message key FDQ: Query Florida Drivers License will be used.
This time, instead of using the SMART Key as a means of opening a form with prefilled information, it will be set up so the message key FDQ will be run by just typing in the DL number. As you can see above, the “Send Message” option was selected, the Alt D is the keyboard shortcut and the Operator’s License Number is the first thing that will be typed (indicated by a “1” in the field). Since the DL number is the only thing that will be submitted using this shortcut, which is all that needs to be entered in the form. Click Save to save the shortcut. To run a Florida DL, place the cursor in the SMART Key form, type in the DL number and press ALT D on the keyboard. The FDQ is run with that DL number without opening the form.
After Alt D is typed, the query is sent and the SMART Keys form automatically clears. The response is received.
eAgent Application User Manual
In this response a QW is received on the DL that was queried and a Status File record was received.
Editing SMART Keys
The TAC can edit existing SMART Keys. This allows the TAC to add additional information to the message key query, change what is prefilled on a form or to change the keyboard shortcut. From the menu bar, select favorites and select “Edit SMART Keys”.
eAgent Application User Manual
A list of current SMART Keys will be shown.
Click on the SMART Key of choice and it will open so it can be modified. After modifying the SMART Key click Save.
Deleting SMART Keys
To Delete a SMART Key, from the menu bar click on Favorites and select Delete SMART Keys.
A list of existing SMART Keys will be displayed. Click on the SMART Key to be deleted and click OK.
eAgent Application User Manual
Keyboard and Software Features
The “Tab” key moves the cursor to the next field. “Shift Tab” moves the cursor back one field. “Control Tab” moves the cursor from the first field in one group to the first field in the next group. The blue labeled fields are required fields for that message key. As the user completes the fields, some of the blue required fields will change to black since the minimum required information has been met. The date of birth field will accept the date of birth two different ways. It will accept two-digit month, two-digit day and four-digit year (MMDDYYYY), or it will accept four-digit year, two-digit month and two-digit day (YYYYMMDD). To open the pick list boxes (…), either click on the three dots or press “Alt-.” on the Keyboard. To transmit, either click the Submit button using the mouse or press “Alt-S” on the keyboard. The Clear button clears all fields that have been typed within the open message key. By highlighting a message key response within the today window, the user can right click and select “Open Form With…” This will transfer the information from one message key to another. For example, the name, race, sex and DOB fields can be transferred from the QWI message key fields to the FQI message key fields. By highlighting a message key response within the today window, the user can right click and select “Open Form”. eAgent will open that message key with all of the fields completed from that transaction. Field recall can be used to recall data that was previously entered in a field. To access this feature, place the cursor in the field of interest and press “CtrlUp/Down”. The up arrow displays the last entry for that field; the down arrow displays the oldest entry in the field that is available in the device’s memory. The eAgent field recall can recall up to 10 prior entries for that field no matter what message key form it was entered in. Incoming and outgoing messages in the today window that have not been viewed will remain in bold until the message has been selected and viewed by the user. The selected message that is being viewed in the today window will have a blue rectangle around it. When modifying an existing FCIC/NCIC record, the tilde key “~” can be used in a field when the information in that field needs to be deleted from the record. For example, the “Jr” prefix of a previous TAC needs to be removed before the new TAC can enter their information in CIS. The TAC would type “~” in the name prefix field during entry, causing the prefix to be deleted from the entry. The same holds true for modifying any FCIC/NCIC entry.
eAgent Application User Manual
Main Application Action Alt + A Opens Favorites Menu Alt + C Opens Connection Menu Alt + E Opens Edit Menu Alt + F Opens File Menu Alt + H Opens Help Menu Alt + M Opens Forms Menu Alt + W Opens Window Menu F1 Keys F6 Keys F10 Keys Escape Ctrl + A Ctrl + K Ctrl + [?] Ctrl + ↑ Ctrl + ↓ Opens Help Screen for highlighted item Cycles through open Windows Opens the main Menu System starting with File Exits from on open Window or menu Highlights all items in a Window of focus Opens the message keys Filter dialog box Opens the Message Form of an assigned Hot-Keys [?] being 0-9 or B-Z While focus is on Streamer, scrolls up one Message at a time While focus is on Streamer, scrolls down on Message at a time
When Message Form is Open TAB Moves cursor forward to the next field TAB + Shift Moves cursor back one field Ctrl + ↑ Ctrl + ↓ Alt + S Alt +. [period] Space Bar Delete F1 Ctrl-A Ctrl-X Ctrl-C Ctrl-V Ctrl-H ← → ↑ ↓ Ctrl + F4
Recalls most recent entry entered in selected field Recall oldest entry in memory for that field Submits the Message Form Opens the Code Table Filter dialog box if in a field with an associated code table “Presses” any button while it is in focus Delete Opens the Help Dialog box Select All (Edit menu) Cut (Edit menu) Copy (Edit menu) Paste (Edit menu) Replace (Edit menu) Moves focus left one character or component Moves focus right one character or component Moves focus up one character or component Moves focus down one character or component Closes an open Form if focus is on it eAgent Application User Manual 30
Frequently Used Message Keys
Florida Queries FQI Query Florida Criminal History Identification and Wanted Provides Florida criminal history identification data and any FCIC/NCIC warrants, missing person, and/or status records. This check is based on name, sex, race and date of birth. FCI Query Florida Criminal History ID Provides Florida criminal history identification data only. This check is based on name, sex, race and date of birth. FC Retrieve Complete Criminal History Record Online Provides complete version of a Florida CCH based on a subject’s SID number. Requires a SID and a purpose code. FS Retrieve Criminal History Summary Provides summary version of a Florida CCH based on a subject’s SID number. Requires a SID and a purpose code. FCX Retrieve Complete Criminal History Record XML Provides a complete version of a Florida CCH with additional Summary information. The report is in an XML format and allows the user to click links within the CCH to get additional information. FDQ Query Florida Driver License Provides Florida DHSMV reply and FCIC/NCIC warrants, missing person, and/or status records if just the DL number is queried. FRQ Query Florida Vehicle Registration Provides Florida DHSMV registration reply, including insurance data and FCIC/NCIC warrants, missing person, and/or status records. FQL Query Florida Vehicle Title & Lien Provides Florida DSHMV registration reply, including insurance data and lien holder information. FBQ Query Florida Boat Registration Provides Florida DHSMV registration reply, and FCIC/NCIC warrants, missing person, and/or status records. FCW Query Florida Concealed Weapons Permit Provides permit license information from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services – Division of Licensing. This message key can only be used by law enforcement agencies.
eAgent Application User Manual
Out-Of-State Queries QWI Query Both NCIC and III Provides out-of-state criminal history data and NCIC warrants, missing person, and/or status records. This check is based on name, sex, race, date of birth and purpose code. QH Query Individual Personal Identifiers This message key will check to see if the subject has a CCH through NCIC and III. This check is based on name, sex, race, date of birth and purpose code. QR Retrieve Specific Criminal History Record Provides a CCH by querying the subject’s name and FBI number. The attention field and the purpose code are also required. IQ Query NLETS Criminal History Index Provides out-of-state criminal history identification data. This check is based on the NLETS Code, name, sex, date of birth, attention field and the purpose code. FQ Query Full Criminal Record Provides out-of-state criminal history data directly from the state that has failed to submit a fingerprint card to the FBI on the arrest, or the fingerprint card was rejected by the FBI due to poor quality. This check is based on the State ID number (SID), NLETS Code, attention field and purpose code. QW Query Person/Vehicle/License Plate Provides FCIC/NCIC warrants, missing person, and/or status record information on persons. Provides stolen, abandoned, and recovered information on vehicles and license plates. DQ Query Driver License Provides driver license information by running the subject’s name and identifiers or by OLN. KQ Query Driver History Provides registration information and a chronological account of driving infractions. Florida and some other states do not provide driving histories. RQ Query Vehicle Registration Provides registration information by running the tag number or the VIN number.
eAgent Application User Manual
FCIC/NCIC Test Records
The following records have been entered in the FCIC/NCIC systems as test records. The purpose of test records is to assist in training new users on how to conduct various queries in the FCIC/NCIC systems. Since these records are test records they may have been deleted or purged since the release of this publication. Florida Tag: VIN: Florida DL: AAA10A TESTVIN5 TESTVIN4 TESTVIN1 TESTVIN2 TESTVIN3
T230-630-70-548-0 D455-638-75-709-0 P620-819-79-283-0
R235-814-69-086-0 N500-814-75-046-0
Florida CCH:
Carl C. Public, W/M, 5-23-1956 Susie Q. Public, W/F, 8-12-1957 Test Test, W/M, 12-23-1960 Test Record Florida, W/M, 08-24-1929 Carl Public, W/M, 5-24-1956 Hits on records from FBI, ID, TX and FL Test III Washington, B/M, 01-01-1960 Hits on records from AR, OK, SD, WA and the FBI Mickey Mouse, B/M, 01-01-1960 1234567
Status Files: NCIC Gun:
eAgent Application User Manual