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Eagle Manufacturing


Submitted By tipj0729
Words 323
Pages 2
Case Name: Eagle Manufacturing
I. Major Facts
The major facts of this case are that Ted Jones has been the supply manager for two years. Ted has been struggling with one crisis after another. Although he has a great team of buyers, expediters, and support staff; morale has started to be a problem. Lack of communication and poorly written janitorial service contracts are also major facts that must be resolved. II. Major Problem
The major problems are lack of communication, proper lead times, quality issues and proper training. These problems could very much be causing morale, retention problems, and other issues that are affecting the effectiveness and efficiency of the company.
III. Possible Solutions/Alternatives 1. Ted’s team can improve the lack of communication by connecting and communicating with other departments to understand the exact requirements of the departments to provide the exceptional services and deliver great products. 2. Lead times will improve once that communication barrier is corrected and all departments are on the same level. 3. Training plays a major role in the various issues. Ted’s team will need proper training to improve their working style, attitudes, quality measurements, performances, and services by applying some quality tools such as six sigma.
IV. Choice and Rationale
Solution C involves and requires all employees because a proper training can and will eliminate several of the issues the organization is having.
V. Implementation/The Action Plan The plan would be implement a supply chain management approach to help eliminate the issues and loopholes. Ted’s team would be able to keep track of every activity and process of their department. The SCM approach will also help reduce delay delivery and cost by proper inventory management. It will enable them to keep all departments of the company updated about

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