When it comes to a crisis, from the start to the end, and every step in between, they have great important in how they direct our choices and the final decision. Being informed, aware and educated on the importance of the prevention of crisis will not only make yourself aware of how you present yourself, but how to asses another individuals behaviour. The top five practices to crisis prevention that I find the most useful are, self-awareness, the relationship between feelings and response patterns, early crisis intervention, proper responses, and debriefing.
Much like a good novel, a crisis has, action, relevance, a story line, conflict, and the rise and fall action of a certain character. While it is easy to read about a character’s conflict, and identify and think…show more content… As I practice the tools of crisis prevention, I can become more aware of myself, my role that I played and how I effect those around me. That if a crisis should hint itself and, or occurring, I can remind myself of how to proactively respond, thoughtfully and compassionately, of all the elements involved. For instance, I just recently sat down with the team that has abled my son to achieve his academic goals. My son, a very thoughtful although sometimes disorganised young man, was expected to lead his conference to show his dad and I, all that he has done since the beginning of the school year. He had created a PowerPoint with images of his work, marks, and accomplishments. Just as he started, and the computer he was using decided it was not going to work for him, and my first reaction as his mom is, oh no, please no, let’s not have a meltdown. I am very in tuned to my son and his needs and I could feel the tension building between him, the staff in the room that had a time limit, and my own overwhelming feeling to do something. I also must say, I do become very frustrated with people who do not give my son the time he needs to preform, it