...Introduction This descriptive essay will be on the topic of exercise addiction and will discuss both the positive affects and the negatives. When considering these two aspects, it is important to know that the negative aspect is much more than the positive. This essay will also be discussing what actually is exercise addiction and the effects it has on the individual who suffers from it. The essay will then conclude with how an exercise scientist can help the individual suffering from exercise dependence. What are some of the positives of exercise? Exercising regularly can create some really positive health benefits to the individual. Positive Health reasons for exercise, according to the American Medical Association (1999, P.394), are benefits...
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...American football has always been one of the most popular sports in United States. A lot of parents sign their kids up for football at an early age in hopes of raising a new football superstar. But is it alright for minors (kids under 18) to play tackle football? I think yes for the following reasons: football helps kids be strong and athletic, football can teach important life lessons, and new technologies make football safer than ever. In football, there is a need for strength and athleticism. The game almost forces you to go to the weight room and put up some muscle. When you are the weakest player on the field, it’s no fun at all. But when your arms are bulging with muscle, it’s easy to cause fumbles, get sacks, and tackle your opponent. The game itself makes you strong. And when you are strong, you are healthy. That’s why parents should let kids play tackle football. Their kids will lose all their fat on the field. Also, football makes you athletic. When you get into different situations, you learn how to get out of them. The definition of athletic is physically strong, fit, and active. You become all of those things when you play a dynamic game like football....
Words: 555 - Pages: 3
...of life during that specific time or place. Since the dawn of this new era, the economy has relied on fast food, sports, and television as their primary source of entertainment. The three categories listed above have overlapping patterns suggesting individuals to purchase their product being mentally or physically. Food industry’s use artificial visual prop’s such as plastic or wax items to help portray luscious tasting food to help entice a hunger experience. Driving by Arby’s a billboard picture shows five roast beef sandwiches for five dollars, leading individuals to believe this is an excellent value. On the other hand, Arby’s does not inform customers of the calorie intake, sodium, and other ingredients that are harmful to individuals’ health. Consequently, these additives tremendously increased over the years. Another example of a food artifact is McDonald’s golden arches. In most cities children in general recognize McDonald’s for their symbol of a golden arches. Sadly, this fast food establishment has been deemed un-healthy of all chain restaurants which has been proven to be a fact through medical research. I for one, after seeing the movie “Super Size” have refrained from being a regular customer do to these findings. Another area of how mass media affects the public is through sports. In the early 1900’s baseball was America’s sport of choice and now since the changes that were made in 1925, football has evolved into America’s favorite game. Stadiums...
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...development and maintenance of male sexual characteristics. In modernity, this concept was further developed, by a scientist named Berthold and his experiments on cockerels done in 1849. He removed the testes from these birds, and they lost several of the characteristics common to the male of their species, including sexual function. So, we knew as early as 1849 that the testicles functioned to promote what we consider to be primary male sexual properties; in other words, they are what "make men into men". Berthold also found that if the testicles were removed and then transplanted to the abdomen, the sexual function of the birds was largely unaffected. When the birds were dissected, it was found that no nervous connections were formed, but a vastly extensive series of capillarization took place. (1) This provided strong evidence that "the testes act upon the blood" (2) and he further concluded that this blood then had a systemic effect on the entire organism. Anabolic Steroid history, therefore, can be truly said to have made its first step with this simple series of experiments. Later, in 1929 a procedure to produce an extract of potent activity from bull's testicles was attempted, and in 1935 a more purified form of this extract was created. A year later, a scientist named Ruzicka synthesized this compound, testosterone, from cholesterol, as did two other scientists, Butenandt and Hanisch (3). Testosterone was, of course, the first anabolic steroid ever created, and remains the...
Words: 2134 - Pages: 9
...Scientists have been able to artificially produce growth hormone, so that people can use it, and inject it exogenously. Human growth hormone is the most powerful muscle building compound out there. More often than not , if someone is using growth hormone, they are also using anabolic steroids. Unlike anabolic steroids, growth hormone will not only increase your muscle tissue, but increase the size of your ligaments,organs, tendons, and bones. One very common side effect of HGH use over a few years is increase in height. HGH is very common among basketball players and baseball players. Every single professional bodybuilder is on human growth hormone and anabolic steroids (It's Time Baseball Addresses HGH: Final Edition,...
Words: 1805 - Pages: 8
...In America one of the most popular sports is the game of football. Programs in high school have been around since early in the 20th century. It is a very widespread sport, especially at the high school level. Football is a very violent, active sport and can cause many injuries such as leg, shoulder, arm, head and neck being the most severe. This fun and entertaining sport is very popular but it is getting progressively more dangerous as time goes on. Severe brain and neck injuries occur in the sport with more and more happening each year. The National Federation of State High School Association needs to take charge to protect its athletes and stop this rising problem by making specific rules against head to head contact. Head to head contact can be extremely dangerous and causes very serious problems. This somewhat new problem that has been recognized by scientists and doctors are very scary for someone who plays football like myself. Head to head contact is the main reason players get concussions while playing football. Leading with the head while tackling increases your chance immensely in getting concussed. Concussions are extremely hazardous and they are far too common among athletes. A bad concussion or too many can lead to permanent brain damage. It is bothersome to think that playing a sport can lead to brain damage but this is the new reality. Not only does a dangerous tackle cause head injuries, it can cause neck trauma. This is scary because neck injuries can...
Words: 356 - Pages: 2
...Gene Therapy Introduction to Biology 115 Gene Therapy Many medical conditions, disorders, and diseases for centuries went without cures and caused discomfort and even death. Doctors and scientists have worked together regarding many cases in hopes of finding cures for patients and changing the future of modern medicine. The use of gene therapy in the last four decades has been instrumental in many ways. Gene therapy is responsible for the treatment of cancer, diabetes, aids, hemophilia, heart disease, and cystic fibrosis to name a few. Biological Basis In 1865, Gregory Mendel was a fore runner with gene studies which identified the genetic traits that would later lead to revolutionary biological science. Mendel was responsible for providing research for his experiments with plants. The experiments successfully led him to the conclusion that the offspring from mutations could be classified as generational. This theory was correct and laid the foundation for many other scientific studies to eventually lead to significant advancements in genetic study. In the 1960’s scientists exposed the genetic codes which led to decades of discovery to include genetic maps, DNA and RNA sequences, and multiple data strands. Gene therapy was introduced in 1990 with a clinical trial study on a 4 year old little girl suffering from adenosine deaminase deficiency (ADA); which is a severe combined immune deficiency brought on by a mutation of enzymes within a cell. (Gene Med, 2015)...
Words: 1437 - Pages: 6
...time (or the modern education system) these groups have been at opposite ends of the spectrum. The jocks tend to be your typical, run-of-the-mill sport stars, with a haughty disposition, good looks, and next to no intellect. The nerds on the other hand, have always been seen as academically inclined, anti-social, and awkward misfits. Continuing with the stereotypes, the geeks are typically victims to bullying: courtesy of the friendly neighborhood jock. This harassment is typically brought about because our sports star cannot believe that someone so low...
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...Fiona Sociological reasons for differences in gender choice There are a number of reasons for the difference in subject choices, for example stereotyping, labelling, peer pressure, gender domain, etc. Firstly a reason for early socialisation is gender difference in subject choices, this is because early socialisation shapes children's gender identity. Patricia Murphy and Jannette Elwood (1998) show how these lead to different subject choices. Boys read hobby books and information texts, while girls are more likely to read stories about people. This helps to explain why boys prefer science subjects and why girls prefer subjects such as English. Furthermore gender domain shapes the child as a young as due to there experience like Naima Browne and Carol Ross (1991) argues those children's beliefs about 'gender domains' shaped by their early experiences and the expectations of adults. By gender domains, they mean the tasks and activities that boys and girls see as male or female 'territory' and therefore as relevant to themselves as relevant to themselves. Children are more confident when engaging in tasks that they see as part of their own gender domain. Secondly the gendered subject images gear the different in subject choices this is as some subjects are seen as boys' or girls' subjects. For example Anne Colley (1998) notes that computer studies are seen as a masculine subject for two reasons: it involves working with machines - part of the male gender domain and the way...
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...School Football Head Injuries In America, one of the most popular sports is the game of football. Programs in high school have been around since early in the 20th century. It is a very widespread sport, especially at the high school level. Football is a very violent, active sport and can cause many injuries such as leg, shoulder, arm, head and neck being the most severe. This fun and entertaining sport is very popular but it is getting progressively more dangerous as time goes on. Severe brain and neck injuries occur in the sport with more and more happening each year. The National Federation of State High School Association needs to take charge to protect its athletes and stop this rising problem by making specific rules against head to head contact. Head to head contact can be extremely dangerous and cause very serious problems for all high school football players. In 2009, 250,000 people age nineteen and younger were treated in emergency rooms for concussions and other sports related brain injuries in the country. That was an increase from 150,000 in 2001. Did you know that high school athletes sustain an estimated 136,000 to 300,000 concussions per year (Moms Team)? Out of all the patients who were admitted into an emergency department with a traumatic brain injury (TBI), 24.7 percent obtained their head injury while playing football (Swarm Interactive). That is higher than any other sport or activity associated with TBIs. Brain injuries contribute one third of...
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...uses that people in history wouldn’t have even dreamed about. Early computers looked different than those of today, and have impacted education, the medical field, sports, business and entertainment. Computers make things easier for writing and researching when it comes to software such as word processing and the use of the Internet. The computer has revolutionized human society to another league. Computers are used in every aspect of human life, and have opened up a new era in manufacturing through the techniques of automation, and they have enhanced modern communication systems. Computers are essential tools in almost every field of research and applied technology, from constructing models of the universe to providing tomorrow’s weather reports. Their uses have in themselves, opened up new areas of conjecture. Computers are useful because they offer many functions and services that you could not find anywhere else. Software is available such as word processing, and there is also use of the Internet. There are also uses that are helpful for educational purposes, such as searching for news and E-learning programs. Computers have come far over the years from when they began. They weren’t nearly as technological or complex as those we know today. Early computers looked different in the early years than they do now, they did not use monitors and weren’t as small or as large as those today. In the early 1600 to 1800s, people wanted a device to replace having to manually...
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...Zachary Kaplan Mrs. Ratigan Yellow English 14 December, 2015 There has been a neutral debate for many year and even more to come, should school start later? Evidently, scientist have proven that starting school benefits many factors including academic performances and essential growth. While others argue that starting school later interferes with sports and afterschool occasion that limits them from having a positive childhood. This debate has taken action all across the world but some schools starting later and others refusing and starting school at the crack of dawn. School should start later because it improves grades, helps prevent diseases in children, and the sleep is crucial for essential growth. The fact that school opens so early has caused some major problems among students at middle schools including essential growth and sleep. It is not right that almost all middle school students should arrive at school, yawning and with their eyes drooping. That's how it is with most middle schools. A negative point about an early school starting time is when kids wake up in the morning, they usually haven't had enough sleep. In the morning, teens have to rush and get ready really fast, maybe even miss breakfast just to catch the bus. If they miss it, it always becomes a problem for everybody because most parents have their jobs to go to also in the mornings, so this causes stress for everybody at home. When students come to school all tired and sleepy, they feel...
Words: 262 - Pages: 2
...football fans, committed suicide in 2012. Although Seau seemed to have everything going his way, he quietly suffered from depression, one of the many symptoms of repeated concussions Those close to Seau knew something was not right the man they all knew and loved. Some of them just chalked it up to him adjusting to life after football. Many players go through an adjustment period after stepping down from a glorious career in the limelight. However, this was not the case with Seau. He was suffering from chronic traumatic encephalopathy, CTE. What is unique about Seau’s suicide is he shot himself in the chest. The common belief is he did this to preserve his brain for scientist to study how it was affected by suffering many concussions during his 20 year football career. And, eight months after his death, the scientists who examined his brain announced they had found evidence of CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy), a dire neurological disease linked to concussions, which has been a factor in the deaths of many other NFL players (Penn, 2013). The fact that a player would kill himself because he was suffering from symptoms of repeated concussions speaks to the importance of properly diagnosing and treating head injuries. Other players have suffered from the symptoms of brain trauma. Some, like Dave Dureson, have even taken their own lives. These two incidents are on the extreme end of the spectrum what can happen to an athlete that has suffered multiple concussions and may not have...
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...get ready for the day? Well, if you answered yes to any of these questions, you’re not alone. It has been excessively studied that adolescents generally have a harder time getting ready for the day in the morning compared to adults; who have lower risk of stress and a higher chance of information retainment. Teenagers go to school from eight in the morning to about three thirty in the afternoon and are expected to do homework from that school day, go to work, practice for sports, and hang out with friends and family and do chores, but yet more times than not, teens are not able to do any extracurricular activities because of how exhausted they are. Studies have shown, teens who begin school at an earlier time have an increased risk of depression, anxiety, obesity, and illness, compared to students who start school at a later time. Starting at puberty, adolescents internal...
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...friends and themselves why we have to get up early almost everyday and be at school by 8:45 or 7:30. (Debate.org) According to the data collected from students, 79% say that school should start later, while the remaining 21% oppose the idea. One student who supports the idea stated that she had observed her sister through her high school years. She said that if her sister’s school had started later, and ended later, then she would be ready to learn and the chance of her falling asleep during class decrease. Another student claimed that a average teenager need about 9.5 hours of sleep a night, but study shows that teens usually get about 7.5 hours. Their claim was that you can’t concentrate when you are tired, and if you were taking a exam, you would need concentration. Other students share that they don’t have time for breakfast, they are stressed in the morning hours and they feel rushed. Though the students are correct, the other 21% is also correct. Students...
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