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Muscular Dystrophy Case Studies

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Given that the patient shows signs of loss of control of limbs and slight speech impediment, she could be suffering from a neuro-muscular disease. There are several neuromuscular diseases such as:
Huntington’s disease, Parkinson’s disease or Lou Gehrig’s Disease. To start off, since the patient experiences weakness in the limbs, she could be suffering from a type of muscular dystrophy (MD).
There are many kinds of MDs, all of which cause weakness by the degeneration of muscular tissue in the body. Looking at the patient’s age and that she feels weakness in the distal muscles, it can also be hypothesized that she could be suffering from a form of distal myopathy. Most distal myopathies occur at a later stage in life and atrophy happens …show more content…
In a person with normally functioning sensory system, mechanically-gated ion channels in the mechanoreceptors open in response to physical deformation and causes the influx of sodium ions. This depolarizes the cell and creates a generator potential. When the generator potential is sustained at certain intensity, it will generate an action potential. When the neurons are depolarized the neuron itself, as well as nearby lamellar cells, release the neurotransmitter glutamate and produce a mechano-chemical response. Glial cells also release GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter, to modulate the excitatory output. Afferent neurons are then activated by excitatory transmitters and the signal travels all the way up to the brain. In this patient’s case, either there is not enough glutamate produced by the afferent fibers or the glial and lamellar cells are producing more GABA to inhibit signal transduction. Therefore, there will be an overall decrease in touch (or vibration in this case).
In distal myopathy, the somatosensory system is affected. In this case, modalities like the feeling of touch and movement are affected. As the patient has loss of feeling in the distal limbs, it could …show more content…
There are also no known treatments or cures for MATR3 mutations, and only temporary solutions like home ventilation for patients with respiratory symptoms, are available. Comparing these two articles, it is hard to conclude whether which is more accurate than the other. Both articles are discussing about age-related atrophy and it could be possible that both genes are responsible for muscle waste in MPD2 since the popular press article is directed at a general form of distal myopathy and the research article is referring to a more specific form of distal myopathy. Therefore, it is hard to completely drop the idea that apple peel and green tomatoes might slow down the onset of MPD2. I also found that the popular press article tries to glamorize the results by giving the readers a promise of hope by pushing the idea that green tomatoes work, and announcing that a biotechnology company will soon be adding the anti-ATF4 compounds into food

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