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Essay On Culture Of Success

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Is the way people see others partly based on the social class that they fall in? Does it affect a person's feelings on success and the value of seeking out higher forms of education? Does success mean more than one thing, and how does a person know when they have achieved success? This issue has been bounced around throughout society and no one seems to be able to pinpoint exactly what the problem is and where it begins.That is what the authors of these papers are trying to determine, what is the link between social class and success. How is the way a person sees success a factor in obtaining that success and what is the cause for these people to go after it. What causes one person's failure while another one succeeds. Brink Lindsey believes that the reason for the more educated or higher class having more success is the fact that they are more motivated by their parents before them than anyone in the lower class. In Lindsey’s paper “Culture of Success” he tries to determine where this divide starts. He starts the paper by saying, “Something is holding back lower-income Americans from going to college. It’s not that there aren’t major incentives for them to go” (Lindsey 1). What Lindsey is saying is that the …show more content…
Both social classes success is growing, it's just that the wealthier people's success is growing more. In their paper they state, “Anyway, what Americans seem to mind the most is equality of opportunity--and people do not feel there is any less of it now than there used to be” (The Economist 2). So, Americans feel that people, for the most part, have an equal opportunity to be successful. Lindsey does not feel the same, he talks about in his paper that people of higher income families have a higher chance of success based on the fact that their parents will be more involved with pushing them in that

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