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Ecet 402 Lab 6


Submitted By johnjr32388
Words 465
Pages 2
ECET-402 Week 6 Lab Worksheet Name: John Natale
Block Diagram Simplification and Step/Impulse Responses
Please complete this worksheet and submit to week 6 lab dropbox
This worksheet serves as coversheet

1. Determine the overall transfer function of the system given below by hand as discussed in pre-lab. Please show your work and type the equations if you can.



2. Determine the overall transfer function of the system shown above using MATLAB. Copy the MATLAB code and the overall transfer function obtained and paste them below:

>> nG1 = [1 0];
>> dG1 = [1];
>> G1 = tf (nG1, dG1) Transfer function:

>> nG2 = [1];
>> dG2 = [1 1];
>> G2 = tf (nG2, dG2)

Transfer function: 1
s + 1 >> nG3 = [1];
>> dG3 = [1 0];
>> G3 = tf (nG3, dG3) Transfer function:
- s >> nG4 = [1 2];
>> dG4 = [1 2 5];
>> G4 = tf (nG4, dG4) Transfer function: s + 2
s^2 + 2 s + 5 >> nG5 = [2];
>> dG5 = [1 0];
>> G5 = tf (nG5, dG5) Transfer function:
- s >> G6 = series (G1, G2)

Transfer function: s
s + 1 >> G7 = parallel (G3, G6) Transfer function: s^2 + s + 1
s^2 + s >> G8 = feedback(G7, 1) Transfer function: s^2 + s + 1
2 s^2 + 2 s + 1 >> G9 = series (G8, G4) Transfer function: s^3 + 3 s^2 + 3 s + 2
2 s^4 + 6 s^3 + 15 s^2 + 12 s + 5 >> TF = feedback (G9, G5) Transfer function: s^4 + 3 s^3 + 3 s^2 + 2 s
2 s^5 + 6 s^4 + 17 s^3 + 18 s^2 + 11 s + 4

3. Are the results in steps 1 and 2 the same? Comment if they are not.

Yes, they are the same.

4. Determine the unit step response of the overall system using the MATLAB command described in the pre-lab. Copy the unit step response and paste it below.

5. Determine the impulse response of the overall system using the MATLAB command described in the pre-lab. Copy the impulse response and paste it below.

6. Is the overall system stable?

Yes, the system is stable.

7. Submit the worksheet to week-6 dropbox.

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